BLACK DATE FOR MILITARY AVIATION On this day 8 years ago, Serbia lost ANOTHER PILOT, he sacrificed himself to save the inhabitants of Stara Pazova


Today’s date, even before the plane crash that occurred this morning in the area of ​​the town of Brasina near Loznica, in which pilots Zvonko Vasiljevic and Dejan Krsnik were killed, was written in black letters in the history of the Serbian Air Force.

Funeral of pilot Goran SavićPhoto: Vladimir Lojanica / RAS Serbia

Funeral of pilot Goran Savić

By the game of fate, two pilots died on the same day as their colleague Major Goran Savić (39), who died heroically on September 26, 2012 in Stara Pazova after the crash of the school plane “Swallow”. Sacrificed his head to save, the question is how many, other people’s lives.

That morning, the pilot Savić, a native of Čajetina, took off from Batajnica to carry out a technical test of the aircraft in which the co-pilot, Lieutenant Colonel Tomislav Bećagović, was with him. This flight was Savić’s test for an experienced pilot.

Somewhere above Stara Pazova, there was a breakdown in the plane that began to sink in the populated part of the city. Lieutenant-Colonel Bećagović catapulted himself, saving his life, and Savić remained on the plane, which threatened to hit residential buildings, until it directed him to an area between the houses and the factory. He managed to avoid civilian casualties in the plane crash, but not to jump off the shattered “swallow” in time.

He was immediately transferred from the accident site to the Military Medical Academy, where his death was confirmed hours later.

Today, as news came from Brezina about the crash of the “Miga 21” near Loznica, while Serbia anxiously awaited the news of the two drivers, eight years since Goran Savić’s death they were marked in Čajetina. Representatives of the municipality of Cajetina and members of the Savic family laid flowers near the monument to the pilot, the hero of the sky.
