BLACK CROWN RECORDS FALL EVERY DAY, a figure seems encouraging, but even that is JUST FRAUD and it will get worse!


The third wave of the corona virus breaks records every day when it comes to the number of infected, hospitalized, but also dead. However, there is a figure that is now lower than the two previous virus attacks, and that is the death rate, but such data should not encourage us, on the contrary, the situation is really alarming.

Yesterday there was a record number of deaths in one day due to the consequences of the coronavirus, since the beginning of the epidemic in Serbia, when, unfortunately, 41 people lost their lives. Yesterday fell two more black crown records, never more contagious in a day, 7,579 and a record number of people in hospitals, 6,597. We had the highest number of people in resorption since the beginning of the epidemic two days ago: 225, yesterday only two less.

Photo: COVID19 / screenshot

While the death toll is increasing, on the other hand, the death rate is declining more and more and now stands at 0.93 percent, as of yesterday. At first glance, if we look only at the death rate, this seems encouraging, given that they were mostly around 2.5 percent, but still the situation is not at all naive, and this is best evidenced by comparisons with the two waves previous.

Other indicators are also important

As the mortality rate represents the number of deaths in relation to the number of infected, it is important to take into account another parameter, that is, the number of new cases of coronavirus, which now, in the third wave, reaches values ​​of more than 7,500 in just 24 hours.

For comparison, the total number of infected during the first wave of coronavirus was 11,227, 239 people died, and the death rate was 2.13. In the next, second wave, a total of 21,181 people were infected, 494 of them died, bringing the death rate to 2.33 percent.

So far, a total of 108,200 people have been infected in the third wave, and 582 people have died, and the death rate is “only” 0.54 percent.

And the overall death rate has dropped, which is why we now look at the entire epidemic, according to official data from the Covid19 site. rs is 0.93

That is why this number is now a great deception, it must be taken with great reserve, and the most important parameter of how alarming the situation really is is demonstrated by the fact that our hospitals are full and that we are breaking all black records.

The difference between the three waves is evident in the graphs of Professor Petar Kočović, who compared their parameters, and what also speaks of the strength of the third blow is the number of days.

The third wave, so far, is the shortest, but it registers record figures with respect to the rest of the parameters, so there is no doubt that the corona virus in our country is now stronger than ever.

Although the death rate is much lower, it should not deceive us, because the number of new patients, hospitalized and deceased is growing day by day.

Also, the number of people on respirators is increasing, where according to the latest data, 223 of them are hospitalized throughout Serbia.

When we add to all these infamous records that we record every day and the profession’s predictions that it is possible, we will record up to three digits of daily deaths per day, it is clear that the situation is very worrying.

A triple digit number of deaths per day awaits us

Especially since the projection of two days ago was that we will have more than 50 deaths a day, yesterday 60, and more than 100 jutores!

So, in just two days, we came to the conclusion that nearly twice as many deaths are expected.

– The number of deaths will increase and that is completely mathematically clear. We will see that in the next two weeks and that figure may be in the triple digits – Prva epidemiologist and Crisis Staff member Dr. Predrag Kon said yesterday on television, who just the night before said that about 60 are expected.

And just two days earlier, the director of the World Health Organization Office in Serbia (WHO) said that 50 people die every day, with which Dr. Kon agreed at the time.

So, it is not yet the time to relax, but to respect epidemiological measures as much as possible to avoid making black forecasts and breaking even more infamous records.

And the situation in the Burn Clinic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Serbian Clinical Center since yesterday, just a day after he entered the kovid system, illustrates how alarming the situation is.

Biljana Ćertić from that Clinic told RTS yesterday that 33 patients were admitted in a few hours.

– Of that, only five patients were able to enter the clinic by their own means. The others were transported and that speaks to the seriousness of their condition – Ćertić points out.
