BISHOP JOANIKIJA NEAR THE METROPOLITAN SCENARIO: The future and the centuries will show the beauty and greatness of Amfilohije


Archbishop Joanikije said that “the great people of God, like the metropolitan Amfilohije, is such that contemporaries cannot see it in the measure and in the beauty and greatness that it really is, but future times and centuries will demonstrate it.”

– He who all his life has been attached to Christ and His heavenly Kingdom by the grace of God and the higher order, progresses in this world from strength to strength, and even after his departure and departure from this world does not leave this world but who is present in him through Christ the Lord. And our metropolitan, our spiritual father, followed Christ all his life and in the end, with all his good works, in a word with his monumental work as an ecclesiastical worker, he triumphed with Christ on Golgotha ​​- said Bishop Joanikije.

He added that Metropolitan Amfilohije kept saying “that we must also fight against this virus, which is now devastating people’s health, but even more that we must fight against the virus of hatred, resentment, discord, fights, fights and other evils, envy and all impurity. ” both demonic and human. “

– He left us a great emptiness and great pain with his departure, but also a great blessing and set a high measure for all of us and his example of following him because he traveled that path with his sublime walk, throughout his life for Christ and taught us to all. how we should live – said Joanikije, saying that he is convinced that the Metropolitan’s rest will unite around his scaffold, which is an image of the tomb of Christ, and of all of us, who will gather us, who will reconcile us as Saint Peter left from Cetinje a testimony that at least a year after his death, all quarrels and hatred would cease and that peace would reign in Montenegro.

The rector of the Cetinje seminary, Father Gojko Perović, also spoke from the scaffold, stating that “the metropolitan, like the prophet Moses, welcomed him to lead his people out of slavery.”

He said the bishop said in previous years that he had been successful in everything, but not in reconciling Montenegrins, the Metropolitan’s website reported.

– Who knows when we will receive it, but if we follow the path of Metropolitan Amfilohije, then that is the path of love and peace – Father Gojko said.


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