BISHOP, HERE IS MY SON! The plague that Amfilohije had to face after his accession to the throne of San Pedro de Cetinje


His nephew Komnen Bećirović says about it:

“It is a special scandal that the Montenegrin government, despite the loudness and role of our Metropolitan in all orthodoxy and Christianity, equally, from the beginning, opposes him with a stranger and an impostor, a crucifix and! a schismatic! And that there was no great struggle led by the bishop, with the help of his hardworking clergy, the Serbian intelligentsia and the faithful people of Montenegro, it would certainly have long ago ended with the eternal Serbian Montenegro. the evil of Duklja -mondialist “.

The Metropolitan’s activity is not limited to Montenegro, he cares for the whole of Serbia, “since when the Serbian people in the last decade of the second millennium of Christ met on Golgotha, they suffered deeply with him, healing their wounds with his evangelical word. and cheering him on. ” persevere in your just cause.

– During NATO’s criminal war against the Serbian people with the aim of snatching the sacred Kosovo and paying tribute to its centuries-old enemies, the metropolitan collected pieces of Serbs killed in Kosovo to intoxicate them, serve in the ruins of shrines and display in their sermons all dimensions of evil. . With its effects, more precisely with its exploits, it completely justified the secular name Risto.

Magnificently, as was the mission of life, the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Litoral, Amfilohije, was accompanied by his Montenegro. The eternal resting place in the crypt of the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, which he laid the foundations and promised to be buried under its vaults, was accompanied by tears, applause, messages, sermons and shouts: “We will not give holy things!” There are other stories, memories of friends, closest collaborators of the blessed Archbishop of Cetinje. The well-known lawyer Radovan R. Bojović, brother of Bishop Kiril, remembers an event with great emotion.

– I will NEVER forget the moment when my brother Milan, the later Bishop Kirilo, mathematician of the format, teacher in mathematical sciences, said to our parents: I’m going to the monastery! Not even our mother’s tears. Not a word from our late father: And it’s just that one of my three children should serve God. I will never forget that meeting of our father with the metropolitan in the monastery of Cetinje during the monasticism of Kiril.

The moment of that meeting is kept by our mother as a precious memory. “Bishop, today I entrust my son to you! May God bless you!”

– Bojović, your home is blessed from today forever – replied the bishop.

Then, for years, the spiritual growth of Cyril with his spiritual father and teacher, the Metropolitan Amfilohije, and the introduction to the throne of the bishops of the former Diocese of Diocletian, and then for the bishop of the Diocese (especially dear to the Metropolitan ) of Buenos Aires and SOC of Central and South America.

I remember every moment I spent in the vicinity of the bishop in distant Buenos Aires, during Cyril’s enthronement, the joy of meeting after the Service of God and the opportunity to listen to his sweet and wise word. We also remember when the bishop came to the home of our humble parents and consoled us after the deaths of our daughters and sisters Nevenka and Milanka, who passed away prematurely. And the words of our mother after that: “Children, from today our house is consecrated! Thank you, Holy Bishop, for your attention and paternal care not only to my brother Bishop Kiril, but also to my entire family. They have done no honor or privilege, embracing us and making us yours. Although convinced that today you are with your dear Lord (forgive us), our souls cry for You, dear and great Master, spiritual giant, father and brother in Christ. Pray to God for we sinners “, message is Radovan Bojović.

With pain and joy they say goodbye to the metropolitan. Tears flow, beloved and unforgettable images flow, which have marked her forever and the soul of her closest ones. This is Radovan’s wife, Bishop Kiril’s daughter-in-law, Valentina Đukanović Bojović, who on this occasion is writing to the Metropolitan. Before his eyes, the images line up, which the pencil notes:

– PICTURE one. Joy when you introduce my mother from Catholicism to Orthodoxy. For her, the godfather with you was and still is the greatest sanctuary. Frame two: “I will be baptized only if the metropolitan Amfilohije baptizes me”, my late Uncle Zoran repeated insistently, to my prayers and requests to be baptized. And in fact, the Metropolitan (who, like a true Pastor, cared for the salvation of every man) stood before my uncle one day and said: “Come, bless me, we will take you to God.” And so it would be. Table three: Miracle of God. When the doctors had already given up on my cousin Spasoje, who was seriously injured in a car accident, the Bishop’s Holy Prayers worked a miracle. “Don’t worry, Spasoje will be fine, his name will save him!”, Were the bishop’s words after leaving the shock room where Spasoje lay. And the first words of the Savior upon awakening of who they were: “God and Bishop Amfilohije saved me!”

A little box for Katerina

ŽELIDRAG Nikčević, a literary critic, wrote on the social network on the occasion of the death of Metropolitan Amfilohije:

– Sorry, I have to apologize, for my Kaca, who was silent in front of him. I was returning with the Bishop of Petrograd, after the greatest winter, and at the airport, some wonderful Russian grandmothers, saying goodbye, pushed a bag with gifts. Honey, tea, icons, babushkas and a beautiful hand-painted box.

We arrived in Belgrade, he went to the Patriarchate to rest a bit and I took his things home, to Studentski trg, because I would accompany him on a plane to Podgorica at night. Kaća prepares those bags, sees the box and exclaims: “Thank you very much, I dreamed of a box like this.” I explained that they were gifts for the bishop, that he should not touch anything and that at night we would go to the Patriarchate. The bishop gets in the car, I give him that bag so he won’t forget. Somewhere near Gazela, he reaches out to see what’s inside, takes out that box and says, “Well, this is for our Katarina, who was waiting for us,” and over his shoulder he hands her his little Russian dream. Thank you, holy bishop, remember your sinful daughters and sons.

FOURTH IMAGE: “It will be an honor for me to marry her Valentine,” the bishop replied to my mother. Here, poor, ordinary, I experienced that a man so universal, spiritualist, wise, living Saint, spoke these words of me. At my wedding, he played the role of my father, who passed away early, and I felt the father’s parental care for me and my family throughout my life. Frame five: God answered my prayers and that the Metropolitan baptize my son, my son Rada. May the Bishop’s blessing accompany you in all the days of your life.

And the joy of meeting in the monastery of Cetinje, in the house of my mother and my brother Aleksa (Vladica’s favorite godson, Risto often brought us together), was enough for us to touch His Holy Hand and let all torment and bitterness pass. … We will come to You, my dear, to pay You for all our troubles, to console us and have mercy on us with Your Love ”, says Valentina Đukanović Bojović.

Tomorrow: Cetinje did not “understand” him

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