Billions of Americans dream of Djilas’s godfather!


Mladjan Djordjevic, the creator of the idea of ​​the Alliance for Serbia and godfather of Dragan Djilas, the chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party, became the object of ridicule on social media because he presented an unheard-of conspiracy theory as a guest. in a program.

Djordjevic practically made up another point of the agreement, claiming that President Aleksandar Vucic signed it in Washington, and that he refers to the supposed financial aid from the United States ?!


Thus he consciously deceived the public and citizens.

– My friends from America told me that there is another point in the agreement that was not published here. It’s about financial aid. Every citizen of Serbia should have received 1,000 dollars of aid, which is equivalent to about 8 billion dollars. That news was not published here and I wonder why it was not published – said Djordjevic.

Due to this mistake, he picked up fierce criticism and ridicule on social media, with comments that it is no wonder “billions are being made for Djilas godfather.”

photo: Belgrade City

Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić says for Kurir that Đorđević is the greatest evil in Serbian politics.

– After almost ten years, another Mladjan appeared on the political scene, offering a thousand to the citizens. However, they are now dollars, not euros. It is good that the greatest evil in Serbian politics, Mladjan Djordjevic, began to appear in public and that he no longer does evil by hiding behind Dragan Djilas’s lap. Let everyone in Serbia see how ignorant and dilettante he is. It is now clear how Montenegro left the mandate of this political genius as Tadic’s envoy, and Kosovo declared its independence. He was in charge of that with Tadić – says Vesić.

photo: Zorana Jevtić

Vladimir Orlić The tycoons sank into madness

SNS MP Vladimir Orlić believes this shows that Đorđević is only interested in money. – Djilas, his godparents and other tycoons have long fallen into madness, that is not news. But this scene shows what only interests them: they are looking for some money for themselves on each issue. And when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija, and the state economy, their reflex reaction is: “And why isn’t it for me, in a bag? At least a thousand dollars?” It’s as bad as it is fun – concludes Orlić.

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Author: delivery courier
