BILL GATE PRESENTS A NEW FORECAST: West will return to normal in the fall: this is what will happen to the rest of the world


– I hope things are much more normal in the fall. I would be surprised if at that time there were still a large number of schools offering distance education. We still have to work to increase the vaccine acceptance rate in low-income communities. Vaccination is still below standard. So we have to show the smartest people how they get the vaccine as an example and confirm that it works – Gates said in an interview with “Wired”.

This businessman referred mainly to the situation in America, and pointed out that even if there is an increase in the number of vaccinated, an immediate return to the “old way” cannot be expected due to the situation in the rest of the world.

– The rest of the world may have to wait until the end of 2022 before reaching that level of vaccination. It used to take up to 20 years for vaccines to get from rich countries to developing countries. So the situation is better right now, but not good enough, Gates concluded.

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