Biljana Stepanović – Government – opposition – letters from the EU


The editor of the magazine “Nova ekonomija”, Biljana Stepanović, stated that the Government of Serbia, which was voted yesterday by the “one-party parliament”, is what Vučić could have done and that he believes that the people around him are great. “It is his value system, and if it ever occurred to him that there are more competent people than Aleksandar Vulin, those people would not want to come to the government,” says Stepanović.

He believes that the two letters from the European Parliament that will be sent to Serbia show that the EU also understood that this state of democracy is unsustainable.

It is about formalizing something we know since the elections, Stepanovic said, commenting on the formation of the new government for the first half, adding that if there were opposition in the Assembly, he could say most of the things that Congressman Shaip said yesterday. Kamberi of the Albanian United Valley party.

“He cut and shook everything he had to say, and most of those things stick,” says Stepanović, adding that the other thing is that Ana Brnabić and MPs didn’t understand Kamberi’s messages.

Regarding the writing of the newspaper “Danas” that the European Parliament will send two letters to Ivica Dacic and that they say that it is necessary to continue the dialogue between the government and the opposition on electoral conditions, Stepanovic says that the EU saw that this does not have sense, since and that can not praise the regime that abolished the multiparty system after 30 years.

So the only solution is for the EU to send people and “have someone force and chase Vučić against the wall” to start a dialogue with the opposition.

“Danas” announced that the first letter was from the president of the EP, and the second from the Stabilization and Association Committee, and that they asked Ivica Dacic to be the main negotiator with the opposition, referring to his abilities.

“I don’t know how much power the EP and the EU have to influence the local regime to sit at the table,” said Stepanovic, recalling that Serbia has not opened a single chapter this year, and that the real question is how many chapters have been closed. and if we are at the European level. way or not.

Stepanovic believes that the EU has understood what is happening in Serbia, but that the question is what it can do.

He also points out that this non-parliamentary opposition relied heavily on the EU, but that it hopes there will be a change, because if there is a dialogue, nothing can change without the opposition.

“For me, this is a sign that Europe sees what is happening and that if they send these letters that the situation is unsustainable, half of Serbia is out of the system and has no representatives in parliament, there is no possibility of democracy elemental, “Stepanovic said.

She also evaluated that for her, this government, set in advance for 18 months and not for four years, represents the “government of the guardian of the chair” until the next elections.

He also assessed that by establishing a mandate for the government, Vučić violated the Serbian Constitution, according to which the parliament and the government are elected for four years.

“Every day of God, you violate the constitution, which you are obligated to protect as president, that is a bad message,” Stepanović said.

He noted that the atmosphere in Serbia is such that “when you say something, you must be willing to take revenge” and criticism in the president’s speeches.

“They did not specifically name me, but that is why the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering is examining me to see if I am financing terrorism. It is a kind of revenge for what he is saying,” Stepanovic said, adding that he knew what was going on with the commission report. If the accusation against you is not proven, file a criminal complaint for abuse.
