Bilchik for H1: EC was objective when she criticized the judiciary and the image of the media


In an interview with H1, the European Parliament rapporteur for Serbia Vladimir Bilchik said that the European Commission was objective when it criticized the state of fundamental rights, the situation in the judiciary and the image of the media in its annual report on the progress of Serbia. However, regarding the letter to MEPs sent by opposition leaders who did not participate in the elections or did not pass the census, Bilcik assures that the main interlocutor of MEPs in the future is the Assembly of Serbia and those who entered the that organism.

Bilchik said the Commission promised that the report would be based on facts.

“And I think it clearly shows where progress has been made, especially the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and it is very good to see the dynamics now. In general, the good news is the economic indicators of Serbia. However, basic issues and long-term such as justice, the rule of law, fundamental freedoms and citizenship rights require reforms and these are issues that the Commission has pointed out, presented and criticized, I believe that now it is the turn of the new Government, with a new mandate, to finally take decisive steps in the reforms. Because, as I said in the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the future of enlargement, which depends on these reports, will be decided in the region, on the ground in the candidate countries themselves. the European Union, we are here to encourage and help, but we cannot work. “You have to take decisive action in Serbia with the new government and, as we have seen, a very strong mandate,” said Bilcic.

The Serbian rapporteur recalls that the report clearly states what must be changed and what must be improved, adding that reforms must be implemented.

“This means that you need to move forward on the ground, in terms of specific problems in your society. We need results. And that can be achieved, these reforms, relatively quickly. In a few months or a year, you can create a legal framework and Of course, so we have room to do this in the next four years until the end of the mandate of this European Commission and this Parliament, to have at least one country ready to become a member. I think it’s realistic. It’s a challenge, but I know. can be achieved if the Serbian Government and politicians are fully committed to joining the European Union. This has happened in the past and it is possible. But the Government must work on issues like the ones I have already mentioned, we must see them in full alignment with European foreign policy, and of course “We have to see progress in Belgrade-Pristina relations. Some of that has been achieved, you can see progress somewhere, but it is important that the new government shows that joining the EU is its priority, “said Bilcic.

Declined to comment a letter sent by the pro-European opposition to MEPsbut stressed that the EU supports inter-parliamentary dialogue and is ready to help again.

“But it is a compromise between the two parliaments, the European and the Serbian. Therefore, we have been waiting for a long time for the complete constitution of the Serbian Parliament, we still do not know who will be the speaker of the parliament.” that requires the consent of the other party and of the politicians who were elected in Serbia in the June elections, “said Bilcik.

When we speak of dialogue, in the European Parliament we mean a conversation with colleagues in the Serbian Parliament, underlines the rapporteur.

“We regret that part of the opposition has decided to boycott the elections. If they had come out, the composition of the Serbian Parliament could have been different from what it seems now. Therefore, our main interlocutor is the parliament. We have the good will to dialogue with everyone However, we have participants in “Political Life who went to the polls, won votes and has the support of the people and was elected to parliament. These are our key partners in the dialogue, “said Vladimir Bilchik.
