Biden’s worst statements about Serbia: We should occupy them, put them all in camps!



03.11.2020. 11:23

The US presidential candidate, Joe Biden, has long been known in our region for the deep hatred he cultivates for our people.

Joe biden

Joe Biden, Photo: Printscreen

Of course, although Biden, as a seasoned politician, said and did everything primarily for personal interests, and perhaps financial gain, some of the juiciest lies he told about us are worth remembering.

“Serbs are literally degenerates, baby killers, butchers and rapists,” Joe Biden told CNN in 1998.

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That same year, he uttered the famous phrase that he still boasts today: “I asked to bomb Belgrade.”

– All Serbs should be imprisoned in concentration camps following the example of the Nazis – is one of the most disgusting statements of the villain Biden, which he made in 1999.

Bombardment, NATO, RTS

Bombardment, NATO, RTS, Photo: Hello! / EPA

“We should go to Belgrade and occupy that country in the Japanese-German style,” he told MSNBC in 1999.

– We are not dealing with a barbaric war, but with a loud and vulgar Serbian expansion and aggression, it is one of the first curses of Biden against Serbia, which he pronounced in 1993 for the NPR.
