Biden’s Opanak – Zoran Panović


Biden shoe 1

Apparently, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Serbia and the Minister of Mining and Energy, Zorana Mihajlović, congratulated Joe Biden on his victory in the presidential elections in the United States, without first asking Vučić if he could do so.

Of course, there is always the possibility that Zorana, like other high-ranking progressive officials, has developed over time the instincts of self-preservation and precognition to think and act as the leader expects.

In Biden’s case, however, it is politically risky enough to indulge in developed instincts rather than clear instructions.

Only the orthodox believers of the regime are naive, who really believe that Zorana ‘ran in front of the mineral’, unless they say so in an assignment.

Sometimes it really seems that Vučić never irritates the ‘civilian’, Savamal, Serbia as much as he confuses his ‘patriotic’ (neo-Julov), whose pro-Russia-Trump position sometimes seems like a form of neurosis.

Zorana, like everyone else, is only fulfilling her role in ‘ketch ol’ strictly and loyally.

Just as the so-called “pro-Western and democratically emancipated” Zoran conflicts and the “radical retrograde July relapses” are in the regime, only well-established ketchup software.

The Vučić regime works on the principle of mutually functional paradoxes, and Minister Mihajlović with all her battles and sympathies is only part of that.

If (geo) political beliefs agree with that, the impression is better.

Do you think Vučić “rubbed” Zoran because he kicked Bajatović out of the meeting for disrespecting the institution of government?

For the naive it is the “liberal current of the regime.”

Which is not to say that one day it cannot dialectically and become certain developments.

Simulated conflicts in entropy effects can be confirmed by intolerance.

Zorana Mihajlović posted a photo of Biden and future US Vice President Kamala Harris on her Instagram, with a message quoting the great Mahatma Gandhi.

It is this place that sounds as if old Joe and the charismatic Kamala send a motivating message to the Serbian people and the disoriented Serbian opposition, not to Zoran, to them: “The spirit of democracy cannot be imposed from the outside. It must grow from within the nation. ‘

In Serbia we have a provincial custom of comparing world events with our “Serbian world”.

In her congratulatory message, Zorana compared Kamala to Vučić’s famous ‘women’s government’.

If there is a suspicion that Minister Mihajlović dared to congratulate Biden without asking the leader, it would be devastating to suspect that she had to ask the leader to condemn Ace Lukas’ insult to journalist Zaklina Tatalović.

At least without directly mentioning the names of the actors and the place of action.

If Zoran did not ‘run to the front of the ore’ he congratulated Biden, Slovenian Prime Minister and progressive friend Janez Jansa did, congratulating Trump on his victory.

Of her compatriots, Jansa believed more in Melania than in Edward Kardelj, to whom Biden was buried in 1979.

Although Kardelj, the ideologue of self-government, would have had a rather posthumous ideological rehabilitation, if Bernie Sanders had won the US elections as the undeserved presidential candidate of the Democrats.

The story is accelerating.

We probably already live in “post-history”.

It’s a tall date.

Watch out, the first Blade Runner, fired by Ridley Scott in 1982 (hey, it was the World Cup in Spain at the time and Vahid Halilhodžić was our center forward), is happening in 2019.

However, the plot of the second Blade Runner of 2017, Deni Villeneuve, may be happening in the year that Serbia will enter the EU – 2049.

So unlike our grandparents and great-grandparents who couldn’t even imagine some things and developments, all possible developments have already been filmed for us in movies and TV series: from nuclear Armageddon, the dystopian development of artificial intelligence, the climatic catastrophes, sophisticated dictatorships, pandemics, arrivals. aliens for whom Earth is in the food chain.

The same goes for the American elections.

In the television series ‘House of Cards’ an option is shown of how a candidate undermines the legitimacy of the election in which he lost.

An instructive example is the unscrupulous Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey), a South Carolina 5th Ward politician, a prominent and career member of the Democratic Party, and his demonic wife Claire (Robin Wright).

The brutal protagonists Frank and Claire broke through the so-called ‘fourth wall’, addressing the audience in a direct and suggestive way through the screen, creating a breviary of vulgar Machiavellianism in post-history.

The quotes are of the type: ‘The road to success is paved with hypocrisy and sacrifice. You should never regret it. ”

To the morbid point in which Claire, who succeeds her husband in the presidency of the United States, decides to say ‘only the truth’.

What they say in my town: Shoes are like a healthy tooth.

You never feel them on your feet.

However, of those in the catalog – ‘spiked’ – this is more true for the ‘Pirocans’ from Pirot’s ‘Tiger’ that go best with wool socks.

Will we ever trust again, like we used to when it was most difficult for us? In Serbian opanak.

But now the souvenir that, accompanied by Vučić, bought from Biden in Skadarlija during his visit to Belgrade in 2016.

That Biden shoe may be more important than the pencil Vučić received from Trump.

If Serbia had its Valens in 1990, who would say that Serbia’s Euro-Atlantic position is implied, maybe Zoran (or Ana) could send a congratulatory message to Biden today with content similar to the congratulations of the Croatian Prime Minister Plenković for his good wishes to strengthen the Euro-Atlantic partnership.

When I asked a colleague from Greece how they decide between Trump and Biden there, she replied that there is not as much passion as in Serbia because Greece is simply on good terms with the United States, it has bases in NATO and so on.

Emotions may have been heightened when Michael Dukakis, a senior Bush opponent in 1988, was a Democrat of Greek descent.

If Israel does not withdraw recognition of Kosovo because of Biden, we may not have to rush with the transfer of the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

What will happen to the regional headquarters of the American International Development Finance Corporation in Belgrade?

As for the agenda, will we be able to read the goodwill gestures of the stereotypes?

Press clipping is a misleading and easily manipulated methodological procedure.

With your selection, you can do anything.

And much more complicated things than proving that Biden is an ‘enemy of the Serbs’.

What do I do, what fictional quotes.

But, with the help of a press clipping, Biden can be rationalized according to the “Serbian question.”

Let’s ask Tomislav Nikolić for help: Biden’s words from Zagreb (November 2015), where he, as then US Vice President, met with Nikolić and said the US supports Serbia’s contribution to overcoming security They sound invigorating now that they’re coming out of mothballs. challenges, a positive attitude to the migration crisis, as well as a contribution to peace and stability in the region.

Even Biden at that time in Zagreb (under the ‘Brdo – Brioni’ initiative brand) had the understanding that we would not join NATO.

If I remember correctly, Nikolic explained very politely that Serbia would not impose sanctions on Russia.

In August 2016, in Pristina, Biden reiterated that Kosovo’s independence was a done deal (‘no turning back’), but also advocated for the formation of a community of Serbian municipalities.

He stressed to the President of Kosovo, Thaci: “You have a responsibility to comply with that or Pristina will lose the support of the United States.”

Although it probably sounds cynical, but perhaps Biden’s victory accelerates Serbia’s European path, stronger insights into negotiating chapters 23 and 24 (rights and freedoms).

After all, during his visit to Belgrade in 2009, didn’t Biden convey the message to Boris Tadic and his family that Washington supports the Euro-Atlantic future of Serbia as a key country in the region?

Addressing Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic, Biden was more understanding than cynical at the time: ‘You are the Harvard guy who is causing so much trouble. All Harvard guys are like that, I know that, I also have some in Washington. ‘

We doubt that Vucic will allow Nikola Selakovic, like Tadic Jeremic, to create ‘so many problems’.

Serbian support for Trump is a response to the Albanian cult of Clinton.

And politics.

Part of the cult is the name of the road from Gjilan to Ferizaj, to Bondsteel, in honor of the late Bajed’s son, Bou, who volunteered for Kosovo.

Sometimes Seselj’s romance is an attempt to offset Trump’s slightly wasted historic capital of Serbian-American relations.

Richard Nixon stopped the car ‘near London’ in Belgrade in 1970, hugged people and said ‘long live Yugoslavia’!

But then he said ‘long live Croatia’ in Zagreb! Titus was defeated by that fact.

If Trump had come, they would at least have heard ‘Long live Serbia’!

This is how we can trust the words of Tomo Nikolić, who wrote on Twitter after ‘Brdo-Brioni’ in Zagreb in 2015, where, as we have already mentioned, he also spoke with Biden: ‘God will allow us to always meet like this and renew friendships and establish cooperation. ‘

Truth meter
