Between the cadres that are not from the party and those that are not, for the chair, thanks to the president


Although it is already known that it will surely last less, the new government will be more numerous than the previous one. In Ana Brnabić’s cabinet – 21 ministers, plus one or two more who will not have a portfolio. Executive branch divided into: elderly, acquaintances and debutants. Ten departments will be headed by women. The Prime Minister claims there are six names on her team that have nothing to do with politics. Most ministers thank the president for the presidency.

What can you do in Nemanjina 11 when you are … a term minister?

“The first step is to elect the Government, then my step is to communicate with my associates and the next day to enter the whole of history with the maximum effort,” says the future Minister of Transport, Construction and Infrastructure, Tomislav Momirović.

The biggest surprise among the named newcomers is Tomislav Momirović, a hotelier and a nonpartisan person. He says he invested tens of millions of euros here, paid hundreds of thousands of euros in taxes and is now ready to build roads in Serbia without delay, in place of Mihajlović, as part, as he himself explained, of Vučić’s team.

“Of course, I would never reject the President of the Republic, first, I would not reject him because I respect him a lot, and second, to be completely open, he is a historical figure for me and that is why I feel honored to be part of this history. No we will be alive, my descendants can say that my father supported this man “, Momirovic adds.

According to the “for themselves” principle, the new government will include Mali – finance, Nedimović – agriculture, Lončar – health, Udovičić – sport and Joksimović – EU integration. Who was the king in the only castling and who was the cannon? Vulin belonged to the police, the army to Stefanović. A returnee among the ministers, Nikola Selaković, leaves Andrić’s crown and takes over diplomacy.

From the elders, Mihajlović changed the departments: energy, Krkobabić will take over the village and, not yet official, the socialist Ružić will be the Minister of Education. We go back to new faces.

“Six so far have had nothing to do with the Government, politics, the SNS, SPS, they are Tomislav Momirović, Andjelka Atanasković,” said Prime Minister-designate Ana Brnabić.

We had to interrupt the Prime Minister with another name, because on the poster For the children of Trstenik, next to the biography of Andjelka Atanasković, it is very well written: He has been a member of the Serbian Progressive Party since its foundation.

And before that in the SRS. Atanaskovic, whom Vucic called “dragon woman” because of the management of the Prva petoletka factory, will soon take over the management of the entire Serbian economy.

Other names on the list whose reading we have interrupted are: Maja Popović, the youngest judge ever elected in Serbia, will take over the justice department after consulting with the BIA director, Bratislav Gašić. Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević, who will not leave the crisis staff, but in the future, instead of the epidemiological situation, will focus on the rights of workers.

Long-time journalist Ratko Dmitrović, now Šapić SPAS member, takes care of his family and demographics, he likes to tweet.

“Ivan Ivanović, aka Chihuahua, has a completely unfounded fear of Goran Vesić. Vesić is not in charge of the shinters in Belgrade. PS: I know, some of you will say that this is not a level, but sometimes you have to shake leg, hoard, “Dmitrović tweeted. .

The new department for human and minority rights and social dialogue is in the hands of former senior DS official Gordana Comic, with whom Vucic, as he himself says, never agreed. We don’t know if the president would agree with her view of the flyover, from just two years ago.

“If you think about your personal position, then it may matter to you which party you are in, if you are really committed to the idea, mission, vision of your party, then you cannot be a high step. To join the SNS now and until yesterday it was slandered , slandered, blessed, it was explained that the yellow that is to blame for all of Hammurabi, is the golden sun of the mother from tomorrow, ”said Gordana Čomić.

Maja Gojković, who will head the department of culture, also had one of the lead roles in the documentary about TV N1’s flyovers called “Forgive me my past.” The new government also includes Tatjana Matić, who, after eight years as Secretary of State in the Ministry of Commerce and Tourism, replaced Rasim Ljajić and took over the ministry, Marija Obradović from the SNS, who after eight years of parliamentary service received the state administration. and Irena Vujović – protected the municipality of Savski venac, from now on it will protect the environment.
