07.12.2020. 19:19

Jay Ramadanovski, Photo: Alo.rs.
Jay ramadanovsky He died at the age of 56 from the consequences of a heart attack, and his body will rest in the Alley of Deserving Citizens in the New Cemetery.
On the occasion of the death of our music legend, RTS dedicated tonight’s show “Oko magazin” to the work of Jay Ramadanovski, and had the opportunity to bring his best friend, Miodrag Mić Softić, who shared not-so-known details from the life of the famous musician:

Miodrag Mića Softić, Photo: EON / Printscreen
– Jay’s father was Muslim, but he celebrated on Good Friday, and those celebrations were the biggest holiday. He gets up in the morning, goes to church, lights a candle, then goes on to the mosque, enters and gets baptized, everyone says to him: “What are you doing, do you know where you are?” He always answered: “God is one” – said Softic.
Although he knew it would provoke numerous reactions among the believers in the mosque, he was never afraid to express his opinion on faith and God.
Miodrag also mentioned that Jay met Marina Tucakovic by accident, when he went to offer her a suit as a shaner:

Miodrag Mića Softić, Photo: EON / Printscreen
– He did it to pay off his gambling debts. And the first suit he received was from the company with Dorcols, and an interesting fact is that he married the same suit a few years later – explained Softic.
HERE you can see according to what customs Jay Ramadanovski will be buried.