Besides criminal acts, Andrija is also known as a great seducer and former BOY OF FAMOUS LEADERS!


SHOT FOR A WARNING: In addition to criminal acts, Andrija is also known as a great seducer and ex-boyfriend of a well-known presenter!

Photo: Nemanja Nikolić, Private Archive

Andrija Zaric (45), who was injured on Dalmatinska Street in Belgrade on Friday, was close to the infamous Vozdovac clan of Belgrade, came into contact with the international gang “Pink Panther” and, apart from criminal acts, was also known for his love story. Relationship with model and presenter Sandra Drašković, better known as Sani Armani, Kurir has learned.

Andrija's ex-girlfriend - sani armani presenter
Andrija’s ex-girlfriend – sani armani presenterphoto: Damir Dervišagić

Our source reveals that Zaric was considered a cutthroat in the 1990s, that he was arrested and convicted multiple times, but has reportedly calmed down in recent years.

– Zaric was shot in the leg around 8pm on Friday. He was taken to the Emergency Center in a private car and the police are looking for the attacker. The reason for the injury is being verified, says the source.

filming location
filming locationphoto: Nemanja Nikolić

– Since he was hit in the leg, it may be a warning. It is being checked if you were warned by any unresolved accounts from the past or if you recently felt resentment against someone, the source added.

Zaric was last mentioned in public in February 2012, when he was extradited to Switzerland.

– He was handcuffed a year earlier in Montenegro on the basis of a court order issued against him by Switzerland. The local police asked him to complete the judicial process against him on suspicion of having committed several robberies; Kurir’s interlocutor remembers and adds that he suspects that Zaric probably committed these thefts as a member of the famous gang of expensive jewelery thieves “Pink Panther”. “.

Convicted of kidnapping and torture

Did they pour hot oil on the victim?

In 2015, Zaric was sentenced to five months in prison on charges of kidnapping and torturing Kacavenda’s godfather in 2005 with Vladan Kontic, Srdjan Kacavenda and Bosko Rac. The motive for the torture, as it was written, was that the aggrieved party was courting Kačavenda’s wife. Kačavenda and Kontić were members of the Voždovac clan. According to information from the investigation, they allegedly beat the victim with an ax, a mace, poured hot oil on her, but also threatened to mutilate her with a chainsaw. As the victim did not have 400,000 euros, as much as they asked for, his jeep, motorcycle and apartment were stolen.

– In Switzerland, in addition to theft, he was accused of several robberies, forgery, as well as illegal possession of weapons – added the interlocutor. It also says that Zaric decided to return to Serbia after the trial abroad.

– Apart from criminal acts, he is also known in the capital as a great seducer. Almost ten years ago, she was in a relationship with Sani Armani, the most popular presenter at the time – says the source.

Friendly relationships

black grunt
black gruntphoto: Courier

Close to Black Gruja and Japanese

the japanese government
the japanese governmentphoto: Архив

The wounded man was reportedly close to Nenad Grujović, named Crni Gruja, who died in 2018 after jumping out of an apartment window in Belgrade. Crni Gruja was allegedly a member of the Keka clan from New Belgrade and was arrested for the murder of a post office employee during the 2006 robbery. Zaric is also allegedly close to Vlado Japanc, a former member of the Zemun clan, who was arrested. in Belgrade a few days ago. – Kurir team

Photo: Private archive, Damir Dervišagić, Nemanja Nikolić, Kurir, Archive

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
