
Photo: Stefan Stojanović MONDO
The arrested Belivuk, named Velja Nevolja, played an important role in the “Kavac clan” of Montenegro, with whom he has formed a strong cooperation in recent years. Belivuk was practically the leader of the Belgrade branch of this clan, whose main activity is the distribution of cocaine, and it is obvious that he did not want to stop there either, but rather planned to merge it with a group led by Darko Elez in Bosnia. and Herzegovina to form one, the most dangerous clan in Serbia and the Balkans.
That he did not plan to remain “alone” in contact with Elez, and let his criminal branches go further, towards the political and economic segments of this country, is confirmed by the knowledge that SIPA and the MUP of the Republika Srpska are carrying out a parallel. research with colleagues from Serbia.
Upon investigating the traces of money, the investigating bodies reached out to Ace Stanišić, a high-ranking member of DEMOS from the eastern part of Srpska, who is also the director of a state-owned company in that part. He is suspected of being one of the key people in Belivuk’s group. Velja Nevolje’s plan does not surprise criminologists at all, who claim for “Blic” that the cooperation of organized criminal groups in the region, mainly with those in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, is based on interests, and that they manage to ensure a cooperation number. Benefits “.
– They thus provide a broader criminal market, reduce the risk of detection by more easily circumventing the controls of the police, customs and other state agencies in the smuggling routes of drugs, weapons, products subject to excise duties, migrants, etc., and avoid criminal liability. By quickly and easily crossing the state border, they become inaccessible to the police, says Zoran Đurđević of the Criminal Police University.
Why do clans in the region cooperate?
The cooperation of criminal groups with clans in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro is based on interests, specifically through cooperation:
»Provides a broader criminal market,
»It reduces the risk of detection by facilitating the circumvention of the controls of the police, customs and other state agencies in the smuggling routes of drugs, weapons, excise duties, migrants, etc.
»Avoid criminal liability by becoming inaccessible to law enforcement when crossing the state border quickly and easily.
According to him, the known facts in a criminal environment with the same language, still present family ties, give members of organized criminal groups the opportunity to easily find apartments (boxes), safe cars, forged travel documents, but also often the necessary financial support. to hide.
– Without a doubt it must be added that due to the large number of weapons on the black market, left over from recent wars, it is very easy to get weapons. It is characteristic of our organized criminal groups that use our citizens who work and live temporarily in the EU member states to hide and support them in the commission of criminal acts.
It is also necessary to point out that the perpetrators of crimes in this area are known to be very capable and reliable in cooperation, which is why they quickly and easily establish contacts and deals with organized criminal groups from other parts of the world. Trust is a precondition for cooperation, and organized criminal groups build it by committing criminal acts, Djurdjevic explains.
Criminal groups are also connected by value systems, according to criminologist Dobrivoje Radovanović.
– Organizations of this type of crime cooperate without political and national borders. They are united by common jobs and their interest – he concludes.

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Author: delivery courier