Belgraders play with TRUMPETS (PHOTO, VIDEO)


Loud music, babbling, socializing, but when the clock struck 18, everyone began to slowly leave the cafes of central Belgrade in Obilićev venac.

A new year that not only the Serbian capital, but the whole world does not remember. Although in previous years, at this time, the heat began before the “craziest night”, now there are no preparations for a great welcome in the square.

But there are celebrations. According to the “Blic” reporter from the scene, Knez Mihailova is alive. Mostly young, but also older, and even families with children walk through the main penalty area of ​​the city, and some stop to enjoy and dance to the sound of the trumpeters.

Some of them couldn’t resist, so they played a round with the sounds of the troupe!

In general, the prescribed anti-epidemiological measures are respected, reports the “Blic” reporter from the scene. All cafes are closed at exactly 6 pm

Vesić: the communal militia visited 456 cafes

Patrols of the Belgrade City Communal Militia visited most of the places where catering services are located tonight starting at 6:00 pm, said Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić.

They visited the facilities at the locations of Beton Hall, Strahinjića Bana, Ušće, Njegoševa, Trg republike, Knez Mihailova, Boulevard kralja Aleksandra, the surroundings of the Temple of Saint Sava, Donji Dorćol and all bars are closed, Vesić wrote on his profile of Facebook.

Photo: Snezana Krstic / RAS Serbia

He said that so far 456 catering establishments have been visited and that all have been closed, as well as that the patrols continue the control visits.

– During this day, there were no major problems in the work of catering services, except in some cases where there was a violation of public order and peace – wrote Vesić and thanked the catering service providers in Belgrade because they understood the need for epidemiological measures during the pandemic.

Photo: Snezana Krstic / RAS Serbia

Vesić appealed to his fellow citizens to “take care of your health tonight, both your own and that of others”, with words of encouragement that we will celebrate the coming New Year as we have always done in our city.

Let us remind you that around 1,800 communal inspectors and communal militiamen are on duty in the streets of Belgrade tonight. They are tasked with persuading all caterers and irresponsible citizens to abide by anti-epidemiological measures: they don’t play music during legal work until 6 p.m., they respect work time limits, physical distance, and perhaps Most importantly, they do not host New Years parties and receptions in seemingly locked and locked facilities.
