BELGRADE WOMAN TARGETED BY ATTACKS IN VIENNA: Sitting in a cafe with a friend when the horror started


It was the last night before the “confinement” in Austria, which turned into a real hell in the capital, Vienna. Official information so far speaks of several suspects who carried out armed attacks in the center and killed at least two people. One of them was killed by the police.

After the shooting at Schwedenplatz, the chaos moved a little further west, to one of the most famous streets with shops and cafes, Mariahilferstrasse. The reader, a 21-year-old student from Zagreb who wished to remain anonymous, was sitting with a friend from Belgrade for a drink.

It was around 9:45 p.m., almost two hours after the first reports of a shooting in the center of Vienna.

– I found myself in a Tesla cafe and at that moment the attackers were heading in our direction, towards Westbannhof. The cafeteria staff with the owner sheltered us in the back of the bar, away from the glass windows. They closed the door and turned off the lights – says the young woman from Zagreb, still recovering from those horrible moments.

– I can only praise them. There was panic, but they did their best to calm us down when the news came that they were moving down the street and that one man had been shot and another was kidnapped. I don’t even know what the truth is anymore, I’m sick – she added.

They sought refuge from the danger zone with a friend.

– Half an hour later we went to the back entrance, a friend received us and we left the town because we are not sure of going back to the center, where we usually live. While we were leaving, many people stayed in that cafe – concluded the interlocutor.

Let us remind you, for now, that there is no information on the citizens of Serbia injured in the terrorist attack. Ambassador Nebojsa Rodic said he was walking with his family at the time of the attack and was a few kilometers from the scene of the attack.

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