Belgrade will not be closed, but the control must be in ourselves! We have no problem with catering services but with guests!


VESIĆ: Belgrade will not be closed, but the control must be in ourselves!  We have no problem with catering services but with guests!

Photo: Printscreen TV Pink

BELGRADE – Belgrade will not be closed, but we must be disciplined, which means we must learn to live with the corona virus, said Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić this morning.

He announced that the controls in respect of epidemiological measures will be strengthened, but he also pointed out that control must be in us.

Vesić, as a guest on TV Pink’s Svitanje, said that most catering services respect the measures and that there are major problems with guests not respecting the measures. He pointed out that the economy must work and called on all citizens to adhere to the measures so that July does not happen again.

Vesić added that controls on epidemiological measures have been intensified in Belgrade for more than a month, especially with regard to public transport and catering facilities.

“Belgrade is the biggest access point and that’s not unexpected,” Vesić said, explaining that the school year has started, as well as classes for students, that most people live in Belgrade and most use transport public, as well as that the capital is the largest. shopping malls, so there is a high possibility of infection.

Noting that Serbia has done well in the fight against the corona virus in the last month, Vesić pointed out that we must not ruin everything that has been achieved.

The deputy mayor explained that the increase in the number of infected on Thursday and Friday was a consequence of bad weather and being indoors. Vesić pointed out that a mask should be worn indoors, remembering that a protective mask and maintaining a physical distance are the only salvation from the corona virus until the vaccine arrives.


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