Belgrade will be divided into six acoustic zones and penalties have been announced for breaking the rules.


This morning, the noise level at the corner of Kralja Milana and Kneza Miloša streets was 75 decibels and the allowed value is 65.

This is one of the examples of why the City Council has started the process of better protection and solution of the noise problem.

There will be acoustic zones in the 17 municipalities and the maximum noise level allowed for each one will be known, depending on the environment.

“As for the acoustic zoning, it will determine certain acoustic values ​​per decibel that will be allowed in a certain area. There are, according to the methodology, six acoustic zones”, explains Ivana Vilotijevic, municipal secretary for environmental protection.

Each noise measurement is done in two cycles, during spring and fall. There are currently 35 measuring stations in Belgrade, and during the spring, a higher noise level was recorded in 14 places than allowed, and the zoning will allow the identification of noise sources in each part of the city.

“The acoustic zoning allows that if the apartments in a building face the roads and other apartments that face the other area, there will be different values ​​and the inspector will have a clear guideline on the level of noise allowed,” says Vilotijevic.

So far, environmental inspectors have verified the noise and, by amending the Noise Law, the noise level will also be monitored by the communal militia.

Now they will be able to operate in the field and there will be no more confusion if it is a tourist, residential or quiet area.

“We have embarked on an additional project to be completed in 2021, which will give us the technical data that the restoration facility must meet in order to function in terms of noise levels in that area. When all these laws are harmonized, then we can react in real time, and not only when fellow citizens complain, we will not have to wait for their complaints, ”said Vilotijevic.

A quiet area, such as Avala, Bojcinska Forest or Zvezdarska Forest, should have a noise level of 40 decibels. The regulations for the residential area are 60 during the day and 50 decibels at night.

By passing regulations and harmonizing laws, penalties will be imposed on those who do not respect these rules.
