Belgrade Must Fall Tonight – Personal Attitudes


Belgrade must fall tonight 1Photo: Milovan Milenković

Let them hold onto some of the mother’s internal organs and don’t let go of them in any way.

Do not come out of the womb of a warm and safe mother. It’s dark and cold outside. There is nobody in the street. Curfew.

If you go out into the world, you have made a mistake.

This is a land of endings, not beginnings.

As your mother growls and the doctor nods, you moan as loud as you can, get the tone, because you’ll be groaning in this country for the rest of your life.

First, it can be replaced in the maternity hospital. Instead of traveling often across the “puddle” as a representative of a foreign company, he will end up as a painter in Marinkova bara.

By the time you start school, the street will educate you and you can learn something good there.

By going to a school like this today, your personality collapse begins.

Teachers and professors will continue to receive hot and fresh textbooks, fresh off the press where depending on who is in power, you will learn from history that there are always some other culprits and criminals, and our mass murderers become national heroes. in which you have to learn with the facts, because that is the only way to become a true Serbian.

Geography books will change the owners of the territory, the borders will go crazy, the same language will be dissected in several.

Those in power will try to understand each other less and less, as if we had never had anything to do with anyone.

I’m begging you, throw all those school textbooks in your mother’s cunt, fuck them and don’t go to those schools anymore. They want to turn you into monsters and they hate the people we used to be together with that you haven’t met yet.

And what great characters did the Slovenians, Croats, Muslims from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albanians …

Even today, you will not be able to know in Serbia that many honorable people were killed here after the end of the Second World War. Their properties, houses and factories were stolen. They pestered the executioners for what they themselves could never have, acquire and learn. Talent, knowledge, dignity, culture, creativity, ideas, foreign languages ​​…

It is a proven path that leads to the destruction of a society.

First everything worthwhile is destroyed and rushed out of the country, and then everything is much easier and the way is opened to crime, corruption and blatant looting of the people.

In Serbia today, in all schools, already in the first grade of primary school, at the end of classes, a boy or a girl is always left alone, with a teacher. Door is closing. It is not about pedophilia, but about the beginning of the training of small informers and beaters, who, when they grow up, will become great informers and beaters and will serve the State and will be of inestimable importance for their stench and viscosity.

For now, they are writing who said something against the vacation director. Then in college, they will print professors and deans, then co-workers, army buddies.

Some children will be ashamed of them and others will keep their finger pointing at another that has a prettier, more colorful ball.

You who are going to be born, be thieves if you are hungry. Sometimes you agree. Be a bad student, run away from classes, repeat classes, but never, never, never be an educator, because then you stop being a human being.

When the New Year arrives, let’s not celebrate in advance, the one that comes, but the one that has passed and in which we have at least stayed alive.

In some good times, according to plan and schedule, we had to read Krleža’s entire work and that was good, because I just listened, and I would never know for myself what writer he was.

In this country, those who run education and training say that our children should not learn Croatian and other writers and poets. What will happen to them, when there are so many of us, better.

You leave yourself crippled for many generations. Today, children in Serbian schools are impoverished by the verses of Prešeren, the works of Ivan Cankar, Župančić. Impoverished by the songs of the greats, Tina Ujević, Cesarić, by the creations, Šenoa and Matošić. You will never know why Modra rijeka, Mak Dizdara or Beli mugri and Berači duvana Kosta Racina.

Today, many students receive thank you letters at the end of the year for not hitting any of the teachers during the year.

Anyway, you won’t need that school later in life, not at all.

You will only get a job if you become a member of the SNS.

Of those young, intelligent, creative, who stand out from the rest, the government will only be afraid, because there are no capacities in its ranks that can follow the work of young geniuses. They will tire. Take positions … Take control of Serbia. That they go abroad, that they rub their heads there, what will happen to them? Ours, the illiterate, are better for us … They are more obedient and do not cause problems.

When we went on trips and excursions with the school, our mothers fried our toasts and told us that we had to eat everything. Others brought bread with margarine, rarely with cheap salami “rotiguša”, with homemade ajvar or lard. Some only had a slice of bread and others just held his hand as if there was something inside. There are also the inevitable hard-boiled eggs and salt, wrapped in a handkerchief. There were also canned sardines with huge amounts of onion, until he started to tease the girls.

We gathered everything in one place and shared it in a friendly way, as we shared everything at that time… And then we had it all.

On an outing today, someone will pick up a penny for a sandwich and share it with another, and someone will eat a layered chateaubriand for two with a great hunt at a fancy restaurant, waiting in vain for another.

Today, with school, you travel to Egypt, France, Spain … Father and mother borrow, borrow.

We were with the gypsy musicians at Vranjska Banja for a week and it has never been better for us.

When I went to school, girls wore aprons, boys wore blue or black coats. Under them, everyone had what their parents could afford. Many of the poor people hid their aprons and coats and did not take them off outside of school.

They became the everyday clothes of thousands of children, born three and a half years after the end of World War II.

Today, if those school uniforms are introduced or returned, for a few hours during the day, they will try to equalize the huge social differences in society, which once did not exist for a long time or were not available to us.

There wasn’t a single car on my street. Nov. We travel with relatives to the interior, by train. They spent the night on the bench at the Stalac train station and in the morning they took the “acorn” from Krusevac.

The first disturbances in the social and legal balance of power, created in a criminalized way, began to create a wave, which has grown so much today that only it can influence the change of government in Serbia.

Today, in schools, in addition to mobile phones, there may be a “rifle” with answers to questions.

We, who have finished all the schools in a country where there has never been true freedom and democracy, have been waiting a long time for a note saying “Belgrade must fall tonight.”

We are being crushed and destroyed by Vučić’s killing machine.

Mayakovsky wrote in his work “COLD SHOWER” … Another little effort and we will do our best.

Google, it’s worse than death.

I’m going to my last rebellion. I’ll be on the front line. It is better for me to be killed by the army or the police than to die in bed or in the crown or be trampled by some little one, so that I have two days on probation and still sing: my dad will work, then he will pay my uncle .

I would like it to be in the square, where my father and mother took me to my first, one of the many later rebellions in my life in defense of Trieste, and where in a nearby park, as a child, I collected grass with my mother to make a wicker basket in which we put colored eggs for Easter.

There, near the bank, where one winter afternoon I kissed my Smiljka for the first time.

Maybe someone will stay alive for the next revolution?

To bring down those who will come.

The author is a dramatic artist

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