Belgrade is the first hot spot, 3 more cities in Serbia are critical, and here is which one


In the last week, more than half of all new kovid 19 cases occurred in Belgrade, followed by Kragujevac, Nis, Vranje and Novi Sad, while in recent days there has been a notable increase in the number of infected people in Trstenik, Kraljevo and Merosina. With 67 positives, as there were two days ago, yesterday the number doubled, so there are 152 of them! If this trend continues, epidemiologists are announcing the introduction of new restrictive measures, such as online teaching, further shortening the work of catering services and reducing meetings from 30 to five.

Crisis Personnel Order

Of the 7,177 tested in 24 hours, 152 tested positive yesterday and two people died. Belgrade follows in first place: 57 new infected, followed by Kragujevac, where the so-called Kon coefficient, that is, the percentage of positives of the number of analyzed, is 18.9 percent, because of the 90 analyzed, up to 17 are positive . But the absolute champion in the “Kon coefficient” is Trstenik: 55.5 percent! Of the nine tested, up to five tested positive!

– Yesterday, there were 17 positives out of the 90 tested in Kragujevac, which is one in five. The situation in Trstenik is not calming down, there were five positives out of nine tested. Merošina is also concerned, because she has had two or three people infected for several days. The crisis staff suggested to the local headquarters to analyze the situation and introduce an emergency situation if necessary; Kurir learned from his sources, who claim that there are six recently infected people in Vranje and Krusevac, five in Nis and four in Kraljevo.

Yesterday’s data coincide with the weekly cut by the Ministry of Health from October 7 to 13, where up to 51.33 percent of new patients were in Belgrade, 5.54 percent in Kragujevac and 3.77 percent. cent in Nis (other data on map and table). Below that).

photo: Prva TV print screen

Epidemiologist and crisis staff member Branislav Tiodorović told Kurir that the third wave of the corona is largely underway and if we do not regain our senses, in two weeks we will have more than 500 patients a day, when possible. stop teaching in schools and schools. faculties, but exclusively online.


– The geographical distribution of the number of positives will show where the hotspot is, so if necessary, certain parts of the city will be closed or part of the city will not fully work. It is not necessary to introduce a curfew, but to completely close cafes and restaurants. We will also close cinemas, theaters, no cultural or musical demonstrations will be allowed. There may be a reduction of the allowed gathering from 30 to five people, said Dr. Tiodorović.

Just infected yesterday

  • Belgrade 57
  • Kragujevac 17
  • Vranje 6
  • Kruševac 6
  • Nis 5
  • Trstenik 5
  • Kraljevo 4
  • Novi Sad, Novi Pazar, Merošina, Zrenjanin, Šabac, Priboj 3

Percentage of infected by cities out of the total infected in Serbia from October 7 to 13.

photo: Courier
  • Merošina 1.44
  • Vrnjacka Banja 1.11
  • Valjevo 1
  • Loznica 1
  • Browse 0.89
  • Leskovac 0.78
  • Aleksinac 0.67
  • Negotiation 0.67
  • Nova Varos 0.67
  • Novi Pazar 0.67
  • Prijepolje 0.67
  • Uzice 0.67
  • Zrenjanin 0.55
  • Jagodine 0.55
  • Kula 0.55
  • Raska 0.55
  • S. Mitrovica 0.55
  • Bujanovac 0.44
  • Flat Velika 0.44
  • Pancevo 0.44
  • Paracin 0.44
  • Presevo 0.44
  • S. Palanka 0.44
  • Stara Pazova 0.44
  • Sabac 0.44


There are no new measures and caterers must feed their families.

photo: Tamara Trajković

Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić told Kurir that no new and more restrictive measures will be introduced for catering facilities in the capital:

– It is only necessary to constantly follow the current measures until someone clinically tests the vaccine. Controls must be stricter and catering service providers who do not respect the measures must be sanctioned. If someone organizes a party without respecting the measures, it means that they are deliberately spreading the infection, which means that they are criminally responsible. But restaurants and cafes have to work. Approximately 40,000 people work in the catering sector in Belgrade alone. These people have to receive a salary and feed their families.


Teach in schools and universities and beyond

photo: Marina Lopicic

The rector of the University of Belgrade, Ivanka Popović, said yesterday that the epidemiological situation is worrying, that the number of infected is expected to increase, but also that “classes are definitely going to the faculties.”

– Right now, since there is a type of blended teaching, we will only adjust how much “open” or “closed” faculty can be, but the teaching is definitely underway – he said, while Deputy Minister of Education Aleksandar Jović said that “Closing the school and transitioning to online teaching is a last resort, if it turns out that nothing else can prevent a sudden increase in the number of infected students and teachers.” Jelena Pronić Photo: Kurir

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Author: delivery courier
