Belgrade insists on the JCC, for Pristina the issue is closed – Politics


New round of talks at a technical level between the Serbian and Albanian delegations canceled yesterday in Brussels canceled

A new round of dialogue at the technical level between Belgrade and Pristina, which was supposed to take place yesterday in Brussels, was canceled because the Kosovo side did not want to discuss the formation of the Union of Municipalities with a Serb majority, in which the Serbian delegation.

Belgrade insists on the JCC, for Pristina the issue is closed 1Photo: EPA-EFE / VALDRIN XHEMAJ

As reported by RTS, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdulah Hoti, stated that the continuation of the dialogue in Brussels was canceled, “because Serbia insists on the agreement on the Union of Municipalities with the Serb majority”, reiterating that in Pristina they consider the issue closed .

– Regarding the meetings in Brussels, you know that at the beginning of the mandate we made important decisions to enter into the dialogue process. As for the Community, you know our position. This issue is not open, because it was concluded with the signing of the agreement in 2013 and ratified by the Kosovo Assembly. So, as such, the Community is not discussed, there are other topics of discussion – said Hoti in the press conference after the government session yesterday, and it was published by RTS.

The Prime Minister of Kosovo stated that he would endeavor to advance the dialogue process.

– If for some reason it cannot move forward, it will not be because the Kosovo government is not ready, but because of the Serbian government, the Serbian state, which is not ready to move towards a final agreement – said Hoti.

According to him, Richard Grenel asked that Lake Gazivoda be named after US President Donald Trump at a meeting at the White House, “as a sign of respect for Trump’s commitment” to resolve the problem between Belgrade and Pristina.

– There was a request both in the White House and in the meetings we had here, as a sign of respect for the direct commitment of the US president, that it be called Lake Trump. That’s it – said Hoti.

The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Đurić, declared yesterday that the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdulah Hoti, “should take urgent measures for the Union of Serbian Municipalities to be formed after a delay of seven years,” he announced yesterday. the office.

Đurić stated that Hoti sings another song at the meetings in Brussels, and not only promises to allow the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities, but also grants additional authorizations for it.

– Hoti is obliged to explain to the Albanian public in Kosovo and Metohija that he participates in the process of normalization of relations, and not in the “dialogue on mutual recognition”, and that the parties to the dialogue must show the greatest credibility and the least possible betrayal. The issue of the JCC will be closed when it is formed in accordance with the agreements reached in Brussels, and even then, because the Community is designed and agreed as an institution that can evolve and expand its membership and competencies – said Đurić.

He stated that “the essence of the process of normalization of relations is the gradual strengthening of mutual trust” and added that “Serbs cannot trust Albanian political structures if they are systematically denied their acquired rights and created an atmosphere of hysteria. antiserbia “.

– Serbs and Albanians, if we want to live in lasting peace, we should have a period of reinforced cooperation, and that has nothing to do with Hoti’s dreams of “mutual recognition”, but it also has something to do with the way Pristina respect the agreements and act towards Serbs and other non-Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija – Đurić stated in a written statement.

As a reminder, the European Union’s special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, wrote on Twitter last Thursday that the two delegations will meet on Monday in Brussels to continue talks on financial and property claims.

– The community will not be on the agenda because one of the parties is not yet ready for discussion. But this must be resolved as part of a comprehensive agreement agreed at the leaders’ meetings, Lajcak wrote.

A day later on the same social network, he announced that the meeting would be postponed due to caution regarding kovid 19.

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