Kovid 19 not only affects the onset of severe pneumonia, the development of myocarditis, hair loss, loss of the sense of taste and smell, but can also lead to the development of a stroke.
This has been published in some scientific journals around the world, and our doctors have reached the same conclusion in their daily work with patients.
At the Special Hospital for Cerebrovascular Diseases “St. Sava” in Belgrade, they found out that the crown also affects the development of stroke. They also register patients with severe forms of cerebrovascular disease.
As Dr. Marijana Vukićević, neurologist and director of the Special Hospital “St. Sava” points out, kovid-19 certainly influenced the occurrence of cerebrovascular accidents, because if the doctors do not find out the cause of the stroke, and they see that the patient had a crown and had inflammatory factors, it is clear that the stroke has affected a large blood vessel and may be associated with a covid infection.
The crown also causes a stroke
– The number of stroke cases can only increase in such situations. Fever that lasts for days sometimes leads to a decrease in the amount of blood in the body because patients often become dehydrated and forget to drink enough fluids. Many covids stayed home, suffered a stroke, and came to see us, but the tests we did on them were negative for this infection. There were cerebrovascular accidents whose origin we did not know. Kovid-19 causes increased blood clotting and some people may have inflammation of the arteries and a tendency to have a stroke. – says the interlocutor of “Politika”.
A study is being carried out that the doctors of this hospital are doing together with colleagues from the Serbian Clinical Center and the Military Medical Academy, with the aim of determining what type of patients were treated in some institutions, and in whom the crown was confirmed , had a clinical picture during treatment. recorded how the treatment was …
– This is important to obtain our home data and not always use the experiences of other people. We were literally engaged with these patients for 24 hours, we individually determined the treatment method for each patient, we sent each other recordings to make a first evaluation of which hospital each patient should be treated … We sent our patients with crown to an additional treatment at KCS Infectious Diseases Clinic, Zemun Hospital, KBC Bežanijska kosa, VMC Karaburma – notes Dr. Vukićević.

Despite the kovida-19 pandemic, this institution works full time all the time. In March, they reorganized the way of working to prevent the entry of kovid 19 into the hospital, and did everything possible to immediately isolate patients who have symptoms of the virus, because the patients lying here in the wards are the most vulnerable to covid infection. If they succeeded, they would have the worst prognosis for recovery.
That is why they made rooms to isolate suspicious cases, that is, patients who have a fever and have suffered a stroke, until the results of the PCR test arrive.
– The number of patients admitted has not changed much in previous months compared to previous years. Easier patients who are mobile and who were able to do all the exams at the intake clinic during the day, we send for home treatment and they come only in case of any new problems. We hospitalized all patients who came with a moderate and severe condition. The angio-hall is working at full capacity all the time. Since many hospitals have become covid centers, many patients with unclear neurological conditions are treated here, not just those with strokes. There were many patients with brain inflammations who were treated in intensive care, which was full, says Dr. Vukićević.
In the first crown attack on this house, the crown was found in only a dozen covid-positive patients, and off-staff in only one nurse, who became infected outside the hospital. No patient-to-patient transmission of infection, or from patients to staff, has been reported.
– Later, we all relaxed a bit, so there were more infected people in the second wave of the crown. Since the declaration of the pandemic, we have discovered covid-19 in about 50 patients and the same number of healthcare workers. Currently, three health workers have kovid-19 and are receiving treatment at home. Many patients are afraid to go to the hospital because they think they are going to receive a crown, so they lose precious time, and it is known that time is a very important factor in recovery from a stroke and that it is important to get to the hospital right as soon as possible – warns this doctor.
Previously, stroke was a disease of people over 80 years of age..
But now the younger patients come here every day. Many people have a stroke after age 50, but there are patients who are just entering their fourth decade of life.
– Young people do not care about their health. Up to the age of fifty, a small number of them, if there are no problems, go for preventive examinations, monitor blood pressure, blood sugar and other blood parameters. That’s why a 35-year-old stroke patient with a blood sugar level of 25 at the time came to us, not even knowing they had the problem, or someone who ended up in the hospital with a blood pressure of 200 and never before. he had had a headache. They forget that they had the closest of the family who died from a stroke or heart disease, smoke cigarettes, consume alcohol, do not walk … We often treat other neurological problems, toxic brain damage, venous thrombosis in the brain – he says Dr. Vukicevic.
Heart attack patients usually stay in the hospital for 12 days. and those with bleeding in the brain for three weeks, because they are waiting for the blood to withdraw. After that, they go to rehab.
– The hospital is old, we are trying to fix the water supply, connect it to district heating … The Ministry of Health is helping us a lot in everything, and we are also going to get a new angio-room that will allow us to work faster and better . We are also waiting for a new MRI, he adds.
This hospital cares annually between 6,000 and 6,500 patients with acute stroke, of which 3,500 were treated last year with a diagnosis of cerebral infarction. According to those statistics, adds Dr. Marjana Vukićević, they are the largest hospital of its kind in the world.

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