Belgrade for every 1,000 infected, followed by Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Nis


  • You enjoy business success. You feel like a celebrant. The collaborators sincerely congratulate you on the excellent results. In front of you is a new acquaintance. The other side …

  • You are focused on making secret business plans. You don’t want anyone to steal your business idea. Meet a new person through social media …

  • You get along very well with your supervisor. He explains his business idea to you and you know exactly how to do it. You are not too interested …

  • You don’t feel good about work. An unfavorable period is underway, there is very little work and you have no idea how to expand the scope of work. You’re not in the mood …

  • There is nothing in the realization of your business plans. There are problems that take priority and that you must solve first. Ending …

  • It’s a great day to get a new business offer. You can’t find any flaws in it, so you’re on your way to accepting it. You are extremely dedicated …

  • You are not overly focused, so there may be misunderstandings with your colleagues. You enter into communication with your ex-partner and give him a new opportunity …

  • You are worried about work. Not only is your workload being reduced, but new problems are emerging that you cannot overcome. You think intensely …

  • Quickly clear up misunderstandings with colleagues. There is no news in the emotional sense. The person you know is not interested in …

  • All jobs where quality communication is needed are out of your reach. You can easily deal with representatives of the media. You let the sympathy know that you are interested …

  • You are focused on the test area. You manage to reach an agreement and a huge load falls from your back. Former partner renews communication with …

  • He is fully committed to communicating with strangers. He is quite optimistic about establishing a business deal with them. You are very sad because …

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