Belgrade: Due to the car race, the street was closed until midnight, the public transport line was changed


Due to the event “Belgrade Award Ue 2020 – Mirko Butulija Memorial” at the Business Center “Ue”, there will be a change in traffic until midnight.

Source: B92

Photo / illustration: Depositphotos / uroszunic

Photo / illustration: Depositphotos / uroszunic

Nikola Tesla Boulevard will be closed to traffic, from Branko’s Bridge to Trenjin Cvet Street. In addition, Ue Street will be closed, from Nikola Tesla Boulevard to the Ue Business Center building.

Also, public transportation vehicles travel a different route.

As announced by the Secretary of Defense, Emergency Situations, Communication and Coordination of Relations with Citizens, the public transport vehicles of lines 15, 84, 704, 706 and 707 will move in the aforementioned period, instead of Nikola Tesla Boulevard. , for part of the Brankovo ​​tour. bridge to Trenjin Cvet Street, in both directions, Mihajlo Pupin Boulevard and Trenjin Cvet Street, and further along the regular route.

Vehicles on lines 27E and 35 will move, instead of Nikola Tesla Boulevard and Ue Street, in both directions, Mihajlo Pupin Boulevard, Milentija Popovia, Vladimir Popovia to the New Belgrade / Block 20 / terminal.

Public transport line 60 e. regular route.

The buses will use the existing permanent JGP line on the modified route.

The racing program begins exactly at noon, while the first of a total of seven races begins at 12.10, but the competition, on the recommendation of the Ministry of Health, will be held without the presence of the public.
