BELGRADE “COVERED” UNTIL MID 2022 Bajatović: The state leadership has entrusted us with the task of carrying out gasification throughout the country


Bajatović said gasification is currently underway at Zemun and Grocka and is being completed at Rakovica. He stated that “Srbijagas” was given the task of gasification throughout the country by the state leadership, adding that this would include the Serbian government.

– We have already made some districts, but we often have a problem with administrative obstacles, cadastre, many times we do not know the owners – Bajatović told Pink.

He noted that, thanks to the “Balkan Stream”, Serbia will be well supplied with gas, as well as the completion of “North Stream 2”.

– As the amounts of gas to be produced in Europe decrease, the need for Russian gas will certainly grow, because American gas is far away and not there. 13.88 billion cubic meters of gas enters Serbia annually, emphasized Bajatović.

As he said, the price of gas has not yet been negotiated, but every dollar that is saved and earned from exports is important.

– If you bought gas on the TTF exchange today, you would pay 240 dollars, and the price at the Serbian-Bulgarian border is 155 dollars (for 1,000 cubic meters of gas) – said the director of “Srbijagas”.

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