Behind bars for insulting a relative of an official? Lawyers say – crazy


Could the families of public officials be better protected from any criticism in the future? The non-governmental organization “Council of Vigilance and Human Rights” proposes to introduce a crime: an attack against the mental integrity and tranquility of a relative of representatives of the highest State officials. A five-year prison sentence was also announced. The jurists warn that such a thing is crazy and inadmissible, because it is unconstitutional.

The freedom of opinion of citizens at the expense of the government has been under scrutiny for a long time. And any criticism of the families of the highest state officials in the future could be nipped in the bud. Why a non-governmental organization is proposing changes to the criminal law.

And that is precisely in the part of criminal acts against the constitutional order and security of the Republic of Serbia, where we will insist on the introduction of a completely new criminal act that would be called an attack on the mental integrity and tranquility of a family member. of the highest state officials, ”explains Mario Spasic. human rights”.

Vladimir Djukanovic, a member of the Serbian Progressive Party, thinks the law should be changed. He says that President Aleksandar Vučić’s parents and brother are not obliged to suffer insults on social media, which he claims were not absent at his expense.

“I experienced that they wrote to me that my children are bastards, that I am a bison, that I am a thief, that I don’t know what, that my wife is a prostitute and so on. As a public figure, you must stoically endure all that, we are obligated to endure it, but there used to be something that exceeded the gift of measure, ”says Đukanović.

vesna rakić vodinelić
Source: H1

Vesna Rakić Vodinelić, a law professor, assesses the proposed idea as dangerous and unconstitutional. It also says that in this way a legal vacuum is created in which the families of public officials will be protected as polar bears, because instead of a private lawsuit for injury, this procedure will be carried out by the Public Ministry, which alters the legal order.

In that way, we will get a completely privileged class, a caste of people who become legally untouchable, and in our country, outside the law and the Constitution, the head of state and the prime minister and many other public officials have become legally untouchable, but at least they enjoy some kind. immunity, to give immunity to the members of his family, so that is not done even in monarchies, it is total, incomprehensible, unacceptable, monstrous, ”warns Rakić Vodinelić.

If changes in criminal law “come to life,” it is unclear how the crime itself would be defined, and that could certainly leave room for abuse, says Milena Vasić of Yukom.

“When you regulate something by criminal law, it means that someone can go to jail because they committed that crime, if you already have mechanisms in place that protect the honor and reputation, security, protection and other things of all citizens, including members. family of the civil servants, I do not see why somehow through criminal law the members of the families of the civil servants would be especially protected in relation to other citizens, “says Vasić.

Biljana Stojković
Source: H1

Belgrade University professor Biljana Stojkovic says she can’t believe Serbia will go that far and can adopt a bill against civilization.

“Are we going to introduce a shortcut to the top of government now, and then decide how many people will end up in prisons and for how long, because they looked down on the prime minister, or the president, or any minister, really?” It goes the usual way. So now is the culmination of this madness of this government, “Stojkovic said.

The legal mechanisms of insult and defamation exist and are the same for everyone. And whether the proposed legal changes, among other things, are aimed at censoring criticism at the expense of disputed issues or the connections of the highest government officials and their families is unclear, as are the proposed amendments to the Law.
