“Because of the Chinese study, I left meat, not like for 16 hours”: Novak published a new episode of “conscious life” | Tennis


The world’s first racquet spoke “live” with Professor Dr. Dragan Ivanov, a specialist in internal medicine and professor at the Novi Sad Faculty of Teacher Education.

Although the previous live broadcasts, in which Novak Djokovic spoke to people from various fields through the social network Instagram, provoked numerous negative comments, the Serbian ace continued with the “conscious life” project.

The world’s first racquet spoke “live” with Professor Dr. Dragan Ivanov, an internal medicine specialist and professor at the Novi Sad Faculty of Teacher Education.

During the conversation with Novak, Professor Ivanov gave advice on foods that are better for the brain, noting that breakfast is the most important food, as well as that a plant-based diet is the best source of energy and protein for our body. , while Djokovic revealed that he does not consume food for 16 hours. The last year and a half.

According to his own confession, Novak has been applying the autophagy process for the last year and a half, which is characterized by the fact that he does not eat for 16 hours, then in the period of 8 he can consume food.

– I would like to touch on the subject of autophagy. As important as it is, this type of fasting 16 – 8 is popular, you do not eat 16 hours, you eat 8 hours, I apply that, I have felt in the last year and a half how much I practice it, many improvements in the digestive system, I sleep better , I have more energy during the day, I have less of those falls – Djokovic said and “opened” the teacher to explain the autophagy process in more detail.

– You are constantly opening some themes that are a story in themselves. It is important what type of food we eat, how much we eat and when we eat. Like when we eat and when we don’t eat. We eat carbohydrates for breakfast. There are stories that fruit should not be eaten in the morning, that is wrong. As soon as the sun is born, insulin is secreted, craving carbohydrates. Breakfast should be the largest in quantity. We need to eat protein for lunch. At two o’clock in the afternoon we eat, the proteins we eat for lunch have to wait for the “doorman” in the muscle cells. This “doorman” is a growth hormone, which is secreted at sunset. It will take those amino acids into the muscles and other organs at night.

– After 12 to 16 hours of starvation, it has been shown that a process is activated in our body, that a Japanese Nobel Prize winner (Yoshinori Osumi) called autophagy and it is a process that has a healing effect on our entire body, on our emotions , our soul and body, and it also has a preventive effect: Novak’s interlocutor began, and then I described the process in more detail.

– What is autophagy? If we do not eat anything for 12 hours, our brain observes where it can find something in reserve. Then he finds a microorganism, a pathogenic bacterium and destroys and recycles it, then he finds a mutated cell, and produces additional energy from decomposed materials, so we have extra fuel, because we had cells and structures that were dysfunctional, and he takes that cell to create new ones. young and healthy cells. If we have lunch at 2 or 3 o’clock in the afternoon, at 2 to 3 o’clock after midnight, autophagy is activated and will cleanse our body of microorganisms, atherosclerotic deposits on the walls of blood vessels, of malignant cells. It will cleanse our body and prepare fuel for the next day, but it should take 12 to 16 hours.

Dragan Ivanov also explained that the process of time from 12 to 16 hours to activate autophagy differs, because in someone the organism is more capable, so the process itself begins earlier.

– If our body is trained, it takes less time, it will take us to the beginning 16 hours, so it will be reduced to 12. It is important to know when autophagy should be activated. She has to light at night. When growth hormone and melatonin are secreted. It is not good if we eat at night and expect autophagy to be activated during the day. Yes, but the question is how effective it will be. Melatonin concentration has been shown to be the cause of aging. Melatonin has been shown to increase three to four times when we don’t eat. Melatonin secretion will be greater if we do not have food in our intestines, if we fast, then the body will regenerate and recover. As a lifestyle, it is ideal to have breakfast in the morning, lunch from 2 to 3 and then not eat anything until breakfast. If we eat like this, we will avoid many diseases – said Professor Ivanov.

Novak discovered why he left animal food a few years ago.

– I would like to ask you about a Chinese study that was published in 2005 in the United States and whose author and director was Professor Dr. Colin Campbell. I read that book five, six years ago, and that book really confirmed to me from a scientific perspective that plant-based nutrition is something I would embark on. He needed something to confirm from a credible scientific side that this was the right direction. After that, I changed my diet and followed a completely plant-based diet, and I am very grateful, Djokovic noted.

Large numbers of people participated in this study, and it was started initially because the top of the Chinese government went wrong.

– The Chinese Prime Minister has a malignant disease. He called the Minister of Health and the main authorities to find the cause of the cancer. They set out to investigate and were unable to cope. A young Chinese doctor was Colin Campbell’s assistant, reporting that there was a man who knew how to do it, making Campbell the first American in recent history to receive a visa. Ivanov started the story.

He also explained that through this study, the connections between the food we eat and the development of serious illness were discovered.

– Why is Chinese study important? Because it showed an undoubted connection between diet and malignancies, cardiovascular, autoimmune, anxiety. Almost all modern diseases are directly related to diet. That is the first information. The second is that a plant-based diet has a preventive and therapeutic effect on the diseases I mentioned and others I did not mention, Ivanov explained.
