BEAR MISSING HORSE: Residents of Golija villages fearing a bloodthirsty beast


The horse Cvetko is only the latest victim of the wild beasts on the slopes of Mučnja, and before him, most of the sheep were killed, so the locals fear their lives too. With the first twilight, as they say, they retire to their homes and do not leave their homes.

Dragomirka Sićović (pictured) found a horrifying sight of a dismembered horse, who, as the story goes, does not remember the bear ever tearing a horse apart before.

– We are all scared. We are afraid, because this attack happened near the house, the horse was grazing. People see the bear every hour, it walks freely and comes close to home, especially in Jasenovo. Some say they saw her with a cub, others, again, that it is a single bear … Who will know it … When my husband is not at home, but at three in the afternoon I retire to the house and there is no exit – he told us. is Dragomirka. – The horse was literally dismembered. That was especially difficult for my granddaughter from Belgrade, who always calls me and asks me about the rocking horse. When I told him that the bear had eaten him, he asked me: “Grandma, how could a good bear have eaten our horse?” The girl has teddy bear toys and it’s just not clear to her how that animal can be so bloodthirsty …

The unfortunate animal, the horse Cvetko, weighed around 350 kilograms, was young and in full strength, and a real family pet. One mare, Cvetko’s dam, stayed at Sićović’s house, and now they are closing it in the early afternoon.

The Sićović reported the case to the user of the hunting ground, to the local hunting association, and after an evaluation by the commission, they can expect compensation from the competent ministry.

Experienced hunters say the bear population on Golija is growing. We remind you that this animal is a protected species in our country and it is not allowed to hunt it.

– We just don’t know how to defend ourselves. It is true that no attack on humans has yet been registered, but this beast cannot be trusted … it wanders through our houses, at night it only breaks in the forest … Hunting associations must find solutions to protect us, Don’t wait, God forbid, the worst happens, the locals from the villages of Goliath told us.

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