Baucal: The educational system will become a “disorderly orchestra”


In the conditions of class organization during the coronavirus pandemic, no one has information about what is really happening because the directors of the schools send reports to the corresponding ministry in the way they want, which is not good, because the education system is will turn into a “disorderly orchestra”, warned psychologist Aleksandar Baucal.

The ministry has no information about what is really happening, and then it reaches a dangerous state where no one knows the real situation. Instead of saying that there is no way that classes are as they should be and that schools say that not everything is working, Baucal said in the forum “Education in the era of the crown – who writes programs?”, Organized by the NGO Society for Sustainable Future – Steps and the Faculty of Philosophy. .

He evaluated that since the spring, when the epidemic began, there has been a great opportunity to connect life and education, not to work strictly according to the study plans, but to give more autonomy to teachers, for example, those who teach biology to spend a lot of time. stories of corona and other viruses.

Baucal pointed out that the experience of the last semester has shown that distance learning is bad, because the teacher does not see the students, that is why the parents are also involved in teaching, and the children do not socialize, they do not have social contact, as play on vacation, that’s why it’s not strange. that a very small number of parents opted for this teaching model and convinced the older ones to go to school.

The representative of the union “Nezavisnost”, Vesna Vojvodić, pointed out that nothing can be done in 30 minutes, while the hour lasts, because it is not impossible to carry out an ordinary initial test in 27 minutes, since at least three minutes are lost in the division of evidence. Try to put together a meaningful test in 23 minutes, Vojvodić said, assessing how teachers are hesitant to say it doesn’t make sense.

He cited numerous errors as examples, including spelling errors in textbooks, and asked how they passed the check at the Institute for the Advancement of Education and the Ministry.

“Who are the people who approved that, how did they get a job at the Institute and the Ministry? Let’s finish college, but how did they manage to finish primary school,” Vojvodić asked.

He noted that the recommendations of the Ministry of Education are binding, but that out of 1,700 schools in Serbia, only about fifty received the domain, which enables packages for the use of Google classrooms and other learning models.

“Some directors don’t know, nor does the support come from the Ministry,” Vojvodić said.

Vojvodić called the claims about the digitization of the school system “quasi-digitization”, because it was not even near the end.

He asked the Ministry to “unlock” electronic textbooks so that children from the poor strata of society learn that way, because they don’t have the money to buy classic printed textbooks.
