Bastać sent a letter to the REC, requesting that the elections be postponed.


The president of the Belgrade municipality of Stari grad and the vice president of the opposition Freedom and Justice Party, Marko Bastać, sent a letter to the Electoral Commission of the Republic (REC) requesting that the elections scheduled for June 21 be held postpone due to danger of spread of coronavirus.

“Considering the fact that the coronary virus pandemic is still continuing, we express great fear that the health of our fellow citizens is in jeopardy because the elections are scheduled for June 21 at all levels,” Bastać stated in a letter to the REC.

He stated that, according to national and global epidemiologists, the risk of coronavirus infection still exists and that technical possibilities to maintain the electoral process, as well as on Election Day, may put Serbian citizens at serious risk of infection.

Bastac estimated that the elections scheduled for June 21 should be held at least six months from the moment the World Health Organization announces the end of the pandemic, taking into account that measures against the spread of the epidemic are still pending. in force.
