Basara: Neither God nor Tadic can help the opposition


“The Serbian opposition cannot be united by God, and especially not by Boris Tadic. For anyone or anything to unite, they must have an idea of ​​what they will unite with, and I don’t see Boris Tadic having an idea at all, but neither are these whom he called for unification, ”said the writer Svetislav Basara on the occasion of the stories about the new opposition meeting, which the former president of Serbia called in the previous days.

“It is not an idea to overthrow Vučić, it is an intention, a dissatisfaction with an order without an idea of ​​what order will replace that order.” So here something is being done that lacks many stages. Replacing Vučić is a process that requires stages, and demolition is a goal that is the end of a process. And that process has not been seen in the opposition for years. Tadic and others in the opposition have not developed any techniques for years to achieve that goal. It can be achieved in two ways. The first is in elections, it is the easiest and best way, and the second is by force. From what I can see, they are not working either, “Basara said in” Wake up “on Nova S television, the portal reports.

Speaking of the need for new faces on the Serbian political scene, Basara says it is a myth that does not exist anywhere in the world.

“Politicians are everywhere until they physically disappear from the face of the world. Let’s look at all the countries, no one has been in politics since yesterday, no new faces appear anywhere for three or four years. What is missing is not one. New face, but a new policy. Not even a new policy, but an efficient policy, which will be qualitatively different from Aleksandar Vučić’s policy. Tadic did not lose to Nikolic, but won Nikolic’s victory. Under various influences or out of laziness, He kindly returned the currents of reality under the auspices of populism. He did the same as Vučić, only in a finer way. The amount of nonsense and nonsense that Tadic did was much less than this, but there were some, “said Basara.

When asked if the so-called “Montenegrin model” can be applied in Serbia, Basara says that this is just another absurdity.

“This is how we saw the yellow vests in France, so the idea of ​​those protests started, incoherent otherwise. Constant imitation. Abazovic and Becic did not appear in the elections now, but we find out about them now that they have won. They are not new people, they are relatively young, but they are nothing new and, unlike these, they have politics here. And it is different from the one who ruled ”, concluded Basara.
