Bane has been selling heroin for 30 years, his back is protected by serious people! I peed once out of fear …



19.01.2021. 22:49

Kursadzija used to sell drugs to addicts in front of her house, and she let in those she knew to take drugs. He dug holes in the yard and hid heroin there, which he later sold. I saw it with my own eyes! “, Ilija Markovic

Bane Vidaković

Bane Vidaković, Photo: Hello! / Dejan Briza

The musician Ilija Markovic, who was arrested with the actor on July 17 last year. Branko Banet VidakovićWhen the police found 20 grams of heroin in his “Ford” in Vracar, yesterday before the High Court of Belgrade he made serious accusations against the actor, alleging that “he is a pathological liar and drug addict, who has been selling heroin for 30 years”!

Remember, the popular “kursadzija” is suspected of possession of drugs for personal use, and faces a fine or prison of up to three years. However, yesterday he was absent from the trial again because he was infected. coronavirus.

On the other hand, Markovic, when presenting his defense, said that he took responsibility for the sale of drugs because “behind Vidakovic there are serious people.”

– If I had acted differently, these people would have harmed my family – said the musician.

He claims the popular actor is willing to do anything to blame him.

– I’m sorry I took the blame for what I didn’t do. Bane is trying by all means to transfer the responsibility to me. Everyone knows that he is a trafficker, a drug addict, a pathological liar … Serious people give him the wind in his back and that is why he behaves like this – said this musician yesterday before the judge.

In the continuation of the trial, Markovic made another serious accusation against the actor, stating that he used to sell drugs to addicts in front of his house, and “that he allowed those he knew inside to use drugs.”

Bane Vidaković

Bane Vidaković, Photo: Photo: Youtube Print Screen

– He dug holes in the yard and hid heroin there, which he later sold. I saw it with my own eyes! – said the defendant in his defense and added that he drove Vidaković on the day of his arrest to replace heroin with methadone.

– I accepted that for coronavirus my wife and I had no business. Every now and then he would ask me to take him to sell drugs because he didn’t have a car. My wife and I are musicians, and then there was not enough work for us, so I agreed – said the accused musician, adding that he was ready to face Vidaković and tell him everything he had on his face.

– I suggest that you do the expertise of the scales that were found in Vidaković’s house. You will see that there are no traces of DNA or fingerprints on them, claims the musician.

He peed in fear!

Ilija Markovic said Vidakovic invited him to drive it when he signed a contract for the “Swamp” series. – Then he told me when he uses methadone, that he can dose it and record it, while he has no limit with heroin. Suddenly he gave me a bag with 20 grams of heroin and I put it under a protective mask. As soon as he got in the car, he yelled, “Police!”, And then the inspectors came up to us. I panicked. I literally peed out of fear so I backed up but the inspector broke the window. A few moments later, we were arrested, Markovic remembered the whole event.
