According to the latest statements from city officials, the old Sava bridge should end on an unnamed plot in Palilula, writes Nova.rs. Architect Dragoljub Bakić says that building the bridge is a crazy idea and asks the citizens of Belgrade to defend it with their bodies.
It also announces that international organizations, such as Europa Nostra, will defend this building, which is very important for the capital.
“As we were dishonored with the history of the gondola, we will be dishonored with the bridge. Europa Nostra is very ready to take the bridge under their protection, just as they took the Fortress.” Bakic says for Nova.rs.
He estimates that the current government is inflicting great damage on the whole of Belgrade and that it is a matter of vandalism.
“It’s completely crazy and amazing what they are doing. I thought they had given up. It’s a functional bridge, in a rush hour 60,000 vehicles cross it. How can it be removed? Imagine what the traffic would look like when you remove the bridge. You build a new bridge, and then we’ll see what we do with the old one. Don’t demolish the old bridge, and you haven’t built a new one yet. How do you imagine that? They don’t know about traffic. That old bridge must remain, the people of Belgrade must defend the Old Bridge with bodies. Just as the fortress was defended with bodies, so must the Old Bridge. They cannot demolish Belgrade, and that is the demolition of Belgrade, “says Bakic.

Architect Bakić also points out that it is a manipulation of public opinion, in order to divert attention from lies and stories about the exact number of infected and deceased during the coronavirus pandemic.
“It goes against normality and common sense. It is a crazy sentence: the bridge is being moved to a plot in Palilula. It is as if the news was announced in a madhouse, and not as if it was announced to the public in the city of Belgrade , it’s completely terrible, “he said. Bakic.
He claims that it is a citizen fraud.
“They did not ask the citizens, do they want us to remove the bridge or do they not want to remove it, they asked where they want us to remove it? It’s so transparent and a nickel, a great dance. They are frivolous people, and it is very difficult to deal with them. a serious discussion about anything. They haven’t done anything so far. They are simply doing nonsense and ruining it, “concludes the architect.