Bakic: The city administration abused Infostan to start the campaign


The Assembly of Free Serbia (SSS) announced that the Belgrade city administration launched the election campaign by abusing the public utility company “Infostan” by inserting an “election brochure” into hundreds of thousands of envelopes containing a monthly bill for communal services.

“Making fun of the people of Belgrade and common sense, in that pamphlet, the city government, apparently with the public interest in mind, begs citizens to inform them of their proposals for possible projects in the Serbian capital,” he said. Dragoljub Bakic, coordinator of the Council of Architecture, Urbanism and Transport. SSS.

The statement states that Belgrade “has not needed a single new square meter of residential or commercial space for a long time”, because there are “enough.”

“Instead of being embarrassed, he boasts that he has been issuing building permits for a million square meters a year for three years, while the streets, sidewalks and all the primary infrastructure remain unchanged, that is, they do not adapt to a Unplanned construction so large. This makes this city dysfunctional and difficult to live in. “, added in a written statement.

Representatives of SSS believe that the reconstruction of Slavija and Savski trg has hampered the mobility of traffic in the central area of ​​the city, that “hundreds of millions of euros are invested in concreting the Sava bank”, and that the money is invested in centers commercial rather than in treatment plants and sewage treatment plants.

“Think about it and stop making this city happy, leaving your footprints in it that it will never recover from. At the end, show your democracy and put the PRS statement in the ‘Infostan’ envelopes with next month’s invoices. Well, the citizens decide for themselves who is lying to them and who is telling them the truth, “the statement said.
