Bakic: The Assembly and the government were not constituted because Vucic considered it unnecessary


Sociologist Jovo Bakic, a professor at the Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy, said the Serbian president overlooks the institutions of the system because the personal will of an authoritarian takes precedence over state thought. When asked why the Assembly and the Government of Serbia were not constituted and elected before the departure of the Serbian delegation to Washington, Bakic said that the Assembly was reduced to a meeting of people who do not know why they are in Parliament .

“The Assembly in our country does not have the meaning that it should have according to the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia. So here the personal will is everything and in that sense the most likely is that the Assembly and the government were not constituted just because the great leader considered it unnecessary. it did a disservice because it placed the entire responsibility on their shoulders for all the criminal content of the Washington Accord, “said Professor Bakić.

According to him, lack of respect for the institutions of the system is common only in authoritarian systems.

“So, whenever there is an authoritarian system, and this system of ours is authoritarian, there is a tendency for the leader to not respect the institutions, to not respect the constitution and the constitutional restrictions of the presidential government, but simply usurps all power. It is both a minister and a prime minister. He is both a judge and a policeman. The problem is that the citizens agree with that system, “said Bakic.

He pointed out that the authoritarian system that exists in Serbia turns citizens into subjects that allow the president to trample on the constitution with impunity and to strip and belittle all existing institutions.

Bakic appreciated that the lack of respect for state institutions and constitutional powers has put Aleksandar Vucic in a humiliating situation to sign a document in Washington that endangers the national security of Serbia.

Embassy relocation threatens national security

“The relocation of the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is a reckless act that endangers national security because we will be in trouble with the entire Arab world. Also, putting all of Hezbollah on the list of terrorist organizations can have negative consequences, although I don’t think Hezbollah people will think that now a nation should be punished because it has a diminished responsible president, “explained the professor.

Bakic said that in any regulated state, the government would have to consult with all the relevant institutions in the system, and with the citizens themselves, before deciding to sign any document on the future of the people and the state.

“President Aleksandar Vučić reduced the Republic of Serbia in Washington to one of the most common colonies of the United States. Among other things, we can no longer invoke Resolution 1244 if we want to defend our sovereignty over Kosovo and Metohija, as we have violated another United Nations resolution. “Israel does not recognize the annexation of East Jerusalem. In other words, as much as the great powers ignore the rules of international law with impunity when they do not suit their interests, the small and powerless countries cannot afford that luxury, because that is the last line of defense, “said the sociologist.

Serbia has also proven to be an unsound partner for China.

He added that Serbia has proven to be an “unsound” partner in Washington and China, because all publicly announced deals on 5G technology will be published ad acta.

“And that was done without consulting the authorities of the country. Of course, China knows how to collect it from the other side, and again everything will pass over the citizens of Serbia,” Bakic said.

Serbia’s foreign policy at the service of the Trump campaign

He also appreciated that the President of Serbia, without the consent of the Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, put all of Serbia’s foreign policy at the service of the electoral campaign of the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump.

“It was not about national interests at all, but about ways to help Trump win the elections. The fact that Serbia, as a small country, is involved in elections in an empire like the United States is extremely irresponsible. It is a shame to sit down. en Points out that Vučić is humble towards the emperors to the extent that he despises, insults and humiliates the citizens and institutions of the Republic of Serbia that have been taken from us, expects his associates to be his personal servants and he himself is a servant of great teachers. “, Bakić evaluated.

When asked by Beta what the expectations are for the new parliament, which is likely to be formed on Tuesday, Bakic said that neither the new assembly nor the new government will have any role.

“It will be a kind of rusty reality, except that this call for the assembly, without the opposition, will be the saddest and most meaningless in the history of the multiparty system so far. I would not be surprised if the opposition plays sometimes, so that something is debated and supposedly Paid analysts and controlled mass media comment extensively on it, driving people like Cooperatives and Couples crazy, ”Professor Bakić concluded.
