BAKE BRANDY, PLANT STRAWBERRIES, KEEP THE GOATS! These Serbian actors returned to the VILLAGE, started from scratch, and now ENJOY the hard work


BAKE BRANDY, PLANT STRAWBERRIES, KEEP THE GOATS!  These Serbian actors returned to the VILLAGE, started from scratch, and now they ENJOY the hard work

Photo: Vladimir Šporčić, Dragana Udovičić, Sonja Spasić, Profimedia

Several local players have taken the business seriously. Today they are engaged in royal production in the fields that they bought or inherited themselves.

Branko Jankovic

Actor Branko Janković moved a few years ago to the village of Gunjaci near Osecina, where he has a farm of 150 goats. He lives there with his wife Natasa, daughter Koviljka and son Vukadin, and goes to Belgrade whenever he has business obligations.

He processes goat milk and produces cheese and whey on his farm. He developed his business in a short time and now exports products to four continents.

As he said, he returned to the village because he wanted his children to eat healthy food and grow in nature.

photo: Printscreen World

Aleksandar Radojicic

One of the young local actors recently got involved in entrepreneurship and started acai berry production. Aleksandar Radojicic brought a Brazilian brand from London to Belgrade.

photo: Marina Lopicic

Marija Petronijevic

The actress, known for the series “The town burns and the grandmother combs her hair”, returned from Belgrade to her hometown Visibaba, near Požega, eight years ago. There he began to grow and plant strawberries.

“I grew up in the field. Probably that environment formed me and instilled in me some needs and when the opportunity arose, following the inner need, I began to do what I love. It is wonderful to see something that arises as a product of your work and when it shows. that advance every day, ”Marija pointed out on one occasion.

photo: Printscreen / Instagram

Nenad Jezdić

Another local actor who not only works in the fields as a hobby is Nenad Jezdić, who planted the first fruit trees in his grandfather’s house near Valjevo almost 15 years ago. It had 70 acres then, and now 20 acres of serious business, where fruit is grown, processed, fermented, and distilled. In the basement of the house, there are barrels with brandy, and these drinks are made from various fruits. His idea is to include his four children in the business when they are older.

“I have to tell you that I paid for most of these things that you see here for my acting. Of all my series, movies, commercials, I came to this here where I am now. It’s fair to say that there is money here and that I owe, but that is the risk that must exist, “Jezdic said previously.

photo: Vladimir Šporčić, Kurir

Nikola Kojo

Actor Nikola Kojo planned to create a certain kind of commune in the country for artists who want to have a place to live in peace in the country, but since that plan was not realized, Kojo secured an escape from the bustle of the peas. About 60 kilometers from Belgrade, he built a house that he goes to when he can, often with his family.

All the inhabitants of that town know where Koja’s house is. They say that he usually spends his time on a hill from where he has a view of numerous hills, and there is corn around that house. The wooden house is surrounded by meadows, and in the large courtyard there is a swimming pool, auxiliary houses, a trampoline for the daughters, an old car and garden furniture.

photo: Vladimir Šporčić

Sloboda Mićalović and Vojin Ćetković

The popular actor couple found their peace and relaxation oasis in Čortanovci. They have a cabin there, but also a well-groomed and well-kept garden.

photo: Aleksandar Jovanović Chile

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Author: delivery courier
