Bacon can every day, milk is a disease!



01.01.2021. 10:31

The lard is just as good. One tablespoon has 1,000 units of vitamin D.

Prof.  Dr. Borislav Kamenov

Photo: Screenshot / TV Prva

“We are poisoned by the bad food that surrounds us. But there is a way to eliminate those toxins that we ingest through our diet, and that is vitamin D. There is another problem, if we constantly poison ourselves, we will never have enough vitamin D”, warns the immunologist. Prof. Dr. Borislav Kamenov, explaining which food is “toxic”. Some foods negatively affect immunity, weaken it, and therefore “open the door” for bacteria and viruses to attack our bodies.

“Most of the people suffer from milk and dairy products. The milk that is most used in our country has the A1 casein protein, and when someone does not tolerate it, and half the population does not tolerate it, they are poisoned their entire lives and are at risk of developing autoimmunity, malignancy. disease, and is now susceptible to covid, Dr. Kamenov told Mondo.


“Wheat, barley and rye, those hybrid grains are problematic. So you should eat buckwheat, millet, rice, spelled, they are old seeds. In recent years, people have realized that spelled is good and see the connection between food and autoimmune diseases Meat is also dangerous when animals are ‘poisoned’, says Dr. Kamenov, adding that “everything is put into animal feed” to gain weight as soon as possible.

“To be honest, bacon is the best. Lard is just as good. One tablespoon has 1,000 units of vitamin D. Game, lamb, and goat meat are also fish, but they are not fattening. problem, “he warns.

Obese people have weakened immunity and are more susceptible to disease than those of moderate severity.

“Obese people have an inflammatory, inflammatory reaction all the time. As people would say, they ‘kill’ themselves with food. Their immunity is the worst, worse than that of diabetics, heart patients,” says the doctor and explains why:

“Since their entire body is inflamed, they cannot create tolerance for ‘attackers’, so they are more susceptible to disease,” he concludes.

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