BACKGROUND OF GRENLA’S ARRIVAL IN SERBIA Trump sends a special envoy to implement the White House agreement


Richard Grenel, the special envoy of the President of the United States for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, arrives today in Belgrade, where he will speak with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, and 13 other American officials will accompany him .

Grenel comes to verify the implementation of the announcements of the document signed on September 4 at the White House, and yesterday he was in Pristina, where he discussed the same issue with the officials there.

– Grenel will talk with President Vučić about the economic normalization of relations between Belgrade and Priština. He is accompanied by Adam Bohler, director of the International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), with whom the Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, will sign a joint statement – says a top source “Blic”.

Photo: Anna Moneymaker / EPA;

The main theme of the visit is the opening of the office of the new International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) in Serbia. The topics of conversation during Grenel’s visit to Belgrade will be other points of the agreement from Washington, which, according to “Blic” sources, Grenel wants to start and implement as soon as possible.

– It often happened that a document was signed and then a dead letter was left on the paper, just look at the Brussels agreement. That’s why Grenel doesn’t want to leave anything to chance. The Americans took everything much more seriously than the administration in Brussels – says our interlocutor.

Grenel and Bohler will also meet with representatives of the Serbian-Pristina Chambers of Commerce and company directors.

The meeting with President Vučić is at 2:00 p.m., followed by the signing and the press conference.

Ana Brnabić and Adam Bohler will sign a joint statement indicating that both parties intend to commit to the implementation and realization of the agreement signed in Washington.

– The memorandum will indicate that both Serbia and DFC will faithfully implement the investment promotion agreement and that both parties will identify projects that will contribute to economic normalization between Belgrade and Pristina, which will economically strengthen the entire region – affirms the interlocutor of our document .

The United States has proven to be far more efficient than the European Union, which woke up only after Washington showed a more serious initiative. Without thinking, the United States supported the “little Schengen” idea because it sees the basis for progress and development for the entire region, and Pristina will soon join that process, according to the White House agreement.

As “Blic” learns, the United States is now pressuring Bosnia and Herzegovina to join the initiative.

– The implementation of the agreements concluded with Pristina and Belgrade are the main priorities of the administration of US President Donald Trump – said on Sunday the special representative of the White House for the Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Richard Grenel, before arriving in Pristina and Belgrade next week.

“See you in Pristina and Belgrade this week,” Grenel said on Twitter on Sunday.

We stopped the mass slaughter

– Let’s stop the mass killings between Kosovo and Serbia. They killed each other for many years. They will stop killing each other, US President Donald Trump said at the pre-election rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Donald TrampPhoto: Alex Brandon / Tanjug / AP

Tramp donald

Among other things, Trump said on Saturday night that he could be chosen for the Nobel Peace Prize because of the recently signed agreement between Belgrade and Pristina in Washington, as well as the agreement between the Arab countries and Israel.

O’Brien thanked Thaci

US National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien sent a letter to the President of the Pristina Provisional Institutions, Hashim Thaci, and expressed his gratitude for Thaci’s support for the meeting of representatives from Belgrade and Pristina in Washington on September 4, reports “Gazeta Express”.

VIDEO: Grenel: Instead of arguing, the president said let them test what Trump’s economy is like
