BABY LITERALLY FELL FROM STOMACH: Janicijevic didn’t even know they were expecting a baby, baby born in the living room (PHOTO)


Mother Tijana (25) gave birth unexpectedly in the dead of night, when suddenly the water exploded and the baby literally fell from her stomach.


They say the experienced Trstenik ambulance driver, Tomica Vuckovic, is one of the best at his job. He testifies that transporting the baby and mother is a challenge, he must drive safely, but also get to the hospital as soon as possible.

– When I am on duty, someone has to give birth, in these 11 years, I have already transported several pregnant women and babies! – The host Tomica Vuckovic tells us a little with a laugh.

– The guards are specifically, about 25 kilometers from Trstenik, I drove to Kruševac by Bela Voda, on the old road, because it is shorter. Thank goodness for something beautiful that happened in the epidemic!

A 3.1 kilogram child and a happy mother are currently in the Krusevac General Hospital maternity ward, and actors from the entire event testify for “Novosti” about the details of the drama that took place.

– We received a call around two o’clock, the man was scared, he told me that his wife had given birth, that the child had literally “fallen” from the uterus to the floor – Dr. Nikola Veskovac, a young doctor from the Trstenik ambulance, testified for “Novosti” specializing in internal medicine.

– I immediately asked if the child was crying, I advised that both the mother and the child go to bed and not touch anything until we arrived. We left, it seems to me, in half a minute, and we were there in 15.

At the scene, Dr. Nikola Veskovac, nurse Mila Knezevic and driver Tomica Vuckovic found a scared family in the living room and ran to help the mother and newborn.

– The placenta was on the floor, there was a lot of blood, and the umbilical cord broke due to the push, according to them, when the baby “fell”, and what we were able to do at that moment was to stabilize both the mother and the baby , I tied umbilical cord and most importantly, I immediately saw that the baby was vital, he had cardiac reactions, all the necessary reflexes, I noticed a small bruise on the head due to a fall – says for “Novosti” Dr. Veskovac.

– The mother also felt good, it was her second birth. We immediately went to Kruševac, to the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, and presented them with all the information obtained on the spot.


FOR Dr. Nikola Veškovac (29), who, according to his colleagues, although young and with only two years in the Health Center, currently in the Emergency Department, is a highly sought-after and talented doctor, everything that happened the night before is an experience special.

– Tonight was my first duty after an illness and a crowned bed – reveals Dr. Nikola Veskovac for “Novosti” – Fortunately, I had a very mild form of the virus, everything came out in isolation and I feel fine. I went back to work and had a new experience.

Happy father Sasa Janicijevic (37), says that he is infinitely grateful for everything and that now he is much calmer. He tells “Novosti” that they didn’t know about the pregnancy. The wife is obese and has had a nearly regular cycle in recent months.

– He took a shower when the water broke, he screamed for help and everything started to happen quickly, he came to the room, I don’t think it lasted more than 10 minutes, the baby just “flew out”, we squirmed he’s on a blanket … Tijana endured everything well, we called an ambulance – says Sasa for “Novosti”

– They arrived very fast, they did everything in order. Now I have heard from the Krusevac doctors. The baby was a bit on oxygen and is in good condition. Tijana was tested for the virus as a precautionary measure, she is waiting for the results and only then will she be able to see the baby. We are very happy, I hope we will all come home on Monday or Tuesday.

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