Azerbaijan: Armenians continue attacks, with artillery in villages


The Azerbaijani Embassy in Belgrade claims that Armenian forces continue to attack in different directions.

Source: Tanjug

Photo: EPA-EFE / Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia / HA

Photo: EPA-EFE / Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia / HA

They say that they are also attacking cities on the territory of Azerbaijan, which are not part of Nagorno-Karabakh.

During the night before, Azerbaijan’s border regions – Tovuz and Agstafa – were shot from the Byrd province in Armenia, the Embassy announced.

“At around 8 this morning, the Armenian armed forces fired artillery fire at the Husanli and Gazian villages in the Tartar region, as well as at the Hadjilar, Garakanli and Boyat villages in the Agjabadi region. Subsequently, Armenia it continued to bombard villages in the Agdam region, “the embassy said in a statement today. .

On November 3, special mobile operational teams of the Azerbaijan National Mine Action Agency (ANAMA) found two artillery mines near the village of Sahlabad in the Tartar region and neutralized them on the spot, the Embassy claims.

Since September 27, the Armenian armed forces have systematically targeted civilians, private homes and facilities in Azerbaijan, killing 91 civilians, according to the statement.

“By doing so, Armenia has violated its obligations under international humanitarian law, including the 1949 Geneva Convention, and has also violated the ceasefire agreement of October 10, 18 and 26,” the statement said.

A total of 91 civilians, including children, women and the elderly, died on October 31, according to the Azerbaijani Embassy in Belgrade, while 405 civilians were hospitalized for injuries.
