Australia made the nation cry: “Serbs are the most hospitable people in the world” (VIDEO)



14.10.2020. 17:43

Two months ago, Australian Liz packed her bags, resigned and moved to Belgrade


Liz, Photo: Printscreen / YouTube

Her mother found out that her daughter was moving to Serbia the day Liza was going to fly to our country. It was a very sad goodbye, Liz remembers.

When I landed in Serbia, it took me almost a month to settle down Liz said.

Liz describes herself as an Australian who accidentally fell in love with Serbia. She is an Australian of Vietnamese origin, who has her own YouTube channel where she posts videos about Serbia and the Serbian language, which she speaks almost like her mother tongue.

Dear Mom, at the moment I write to you Melbourne is in the fourth closing level, but today you are looking at me in the happy and healthy sun – With these words, the Australian Liz decided to record a video for her mother in which she apologizes for moving to Serbia: – I know that what I want to tell you today will be very difficult for you to understand.

Liz tells her mother in a message that she knows that she is sad about his departure to Serbia, as well as that she knows that one day when she stops being angry and worried, she will be proud. She thanks her mother for raising her to be a good person, although, as Liz says, they didn’t always get along.

Now I have enough experience that what you did, you did for love – says this young Australian and this time she tells her mother, brother and father to love them: – I’m sorry I didn’t tell you to move to Serbia! I’m sorry I didn’t tell you anything before. He didn’t want her to worry more than she should.

Liz points out that she goes to school in Serbia and has hobbies.

– But most importantly, I spend my best days in my youth living like in a fairy tale – he points and says: – Serbs are the most hospitable people in the world and they take very good care of me.

Liz says that she is happy in Serbia and that she thinks her mother, on top of everything, would like her to be happy!

So don’t worry about me, everything will be fine. With love your daughter – Liz concludes in her message that she recorded during September.

Her message is accompanied by Liza’s recordings of Belgrade cafes, but also of the streets, Serbian river cruises, a tour of Ram Fortress, walks in Serbia, but also beautiful sunsets in Kalemegdan.

You can also watch the video at [/embed]in English.
