
As of July next year, it will be mandatory to measure the ovality of the brakes in the technical inspection.

If that value is not less than 20 percent per point, owners will not be able to register the car, because the brake system will be treated as faulty. The National Association of Technical Inspections (NATP) warns that the established limit is very rigorous and that a large number of vehicles will not be able to comply with it.

They suggest increasing the allowable percentage of deviations, as determined by experts, or not making this measurement. The professor of the Faculty of Transport, Ivan Ivković, says for “Novosti” that at this time or in the near future, it is not necessary to include the ovality of the brakes, in the range of 20 percent, as the norm to evaluate the correction of the braking system.

– It is safer to have a vehicle with a lower brake ovality measured at each point, but this is not a deciding factor – explains Ivković.

– It is necessary to introduce it as a criterion for the correction of the braking system, but ovality in the range of 20 to 30 percent does not indicate that the performance and efficiency of the braking system are so deteriorated that the vehicle should be declared defective.

It is possible, as Ivković estimates, that the prescribed standard is a problem for a large number of vehicles, considering that the average age of passenger cars in Serbia is around 17 years. NATP’s Slobodan Valdevit notes that the new regulation will seriously affect our fleet of vehicles and will not affect safety.


The head of the Road Safety Committee, Damir Okanović, estimates that in Serbia, the greatest effort is systematically invested in the less burning problems. – The most common cause of traffic accidents is the behavior of traffic participants, then unsafe roads and, thirdly, the technical malfunction of vehicles – explains Okanović.

– The ovality would have to be significantly higher than 20% for the vehicle to be unsafe – Valdevit says for our paper. – Do not sit on the device, no owner can notice a much higher percentage of deviations. When the pedal begins to move up and down during braking or when vibrating, the deflection is significantly greater than 20 percent.

In July of next year, a period of three years was given, which was given to the technical inspections to adapt their facilities to measure the ovality of the discs. Some have already done so and are applying this regulation. And the current situation, as Valdevit estimates, is quite absurd, because the vehicle owner can choose whether to go to the technical code of those who measure or those who do not. Drivers should know that even a new unit does not guarantee that the required percentages will be met.

– It happened that the cars that came with completely new discs “fell” in the technical aspect, because everything depends on the manufacturer and the quality – Valdevit emphasizes.

What is the ovality of the brakes?

Ivković explains that the ovality of the brakes represents the inequality of the braking force per wheel rotation and that this is only one of the parameters to evaluate the correctness of the vehicle’s braking system. This variation is due to deformation of the drum or disc. – The causes of these changes can be intense braking in combination with unfavorable driving conditions such as sudden heating and cooling of the drum or disc, then errors in its production, use of unsuitable materials … – says Ivković.

Professor Ivković believes that ovality as a parameter to assess the correctness of the vehicle’s braking system should be introduced gradually. Starting next year, we should start measuring and familiarizing drivers with the new regulation, and implementation should start in the future with carefully defined standards, according to the Serbian vehicle fleet.

The control of the ovality of the brakes is defined by the EU directive, and in our legislation by the “Ordinance on the division of motor vehicles”.
