ATTENTION, CROWN! These are the four places you are most at risk of infection, and some of them you cannot AVOID.


In the past 24 hours, 8,299 people in Serbia were tested for the corona virus, 2,112 of whom tested positive, while sadly 10 people died.

The colder weather forced us into closed spaces where the corona virus spreads more easily, and with that came the third wave of kovids in the pack. All prevention measures are still in force, and the places where the virus is now more easily transmitted are public transport, discos, companies, various celebrations …

During the summer, although the temperatures were more pleasant, we spent more time outdoors where there were more opportunities to maintain physical distance and, consequently, reduce the possibility of contagion. As temperatures drop, we also spend more time indoors.

Urban transport

Since the beginning of the epidemic, public transportation has been number one on the list of places where it is easiest to “catch” the virus. Indoors and a large number of people in a small space are a very suitable environment for the transmission of viruses.

Photo: Mitar Mitrović / RAS Serbia

This type of transport undoubtedly carries the highest degree of risk, regardless of whether numerous measures are prescribed, starting with the obligation for everyone to wear masks. Due to the high risk, controls on GSP vehicles have been strengthened to ensure that citizens comply with the regulations. Tighter control of the mandatory use of masks on buses, trams and trolleybuses was introduced precisely to prevent the spread of kovida-19 in them.

Mandatory fines for this offense will soon be introduced, meaning police officers and communal militiamen will be able to fine you 5,000 dinars on the spot if you don’t wear a mask.


As the weather is no longer good, the meetings in the gardens of the catering facilities are moving to an enclosed space. It is known that there is a higher chance of infection indoors than outdoors, so now that chance has increased dangerously in colder weather.

Add to that a little cramped space, music, alcohol, and hours of chatting, and then you can eliminate physical distance. Until now, masks have not been mandatory for guests in cafes and restaurants, at least while sitting at a table and mainly outside.

The work of the catering facilities has been reduced to 11 p.m. to reduce the possibility of infection, and it has been said that the working hours of the catering facilities will be shortened even more.


Although most employers, who were able to do so, sent their employees to work from home at the beginning of the epidemic, this is no longer the case. Large teams and hours of indoor work with colleagues are a winning combination for the spread of the new virus.

The great jumps of infected in certain cities of Serbia, like Valjevo, where the majority of the patients were infected at work, speak in favor of that.

Photo: Darryl Dyck / Tanjug / AP

Epidemiologist and Crisis Staff member Dr. Predrag Kon also spoke about this, saying that the recommendation to work from home is still valid.

However, crisis staff approved measures this spring that employers must adhere to when returning employees to work at the company. It was said then that the company, as well as the employees, will not be penalized for failure to comply with these measures, because they do not want to further burden the economy.

Celebrations and celebrations

In anticipation of the Christmas season, which will be celebrated this fall and winter in specific circumstances due to the coronavirus epidemic, the profession’s recommendations are clear: baptism should be celebrated with respect to all epidemiological measures, with family and fewer guests and without hugs kisses. , Congratulations …

Photo: Dušan Aničić / Tanjug

Epidemiologists constantly warn that the risk is the gathering of large numbers of people indoors, in a house or an apartment, and that preventive measures should not be forgotten and that such gatherings should be reduced to acceptable limits.

Epidemiologist Dr. Radmilo Petrović said that celebrations should be held in the family circle, with a smaller number of guests, that kissing should not be done and that hand washing is mandatory. It points out that people indoors should be at the prescribed distance, with mandatory ventilation of the room.

According to him, candles, candelabra and incense must burn constantly, because they emit positive ions and somehow sterilize the air.

The director of the Pancevo General Hospital, Dr. Slobodan Ovuka, took a further step on Pink TV a few days ago and urged people to stop celebrating this year, adding that he will not do so this year.

Video: Why do we lose our sense of taste when we get infected with the corona virus?
