ATTACKS ARRESTED IN BANJICA Police arrest three suspects for killing one and wounding another young man


Belgrade police arrested three attackers suspected of killing a young man and seriously injuring another in a shooting in the parking lot at 104 Oslobođenja Boulevard 104, “Blic” learned.

Police officers found and arrested the attackers with lightning.

Photo: Nebojsa Lindic / Private archive

FL (18) was killed in the shooting, while A. Đ was seriously injured. (21), who was transferred to the Military Medical Academy.

Wounded A. Đ. The police have long known him for committing various criminal acts, such as unauthorized production and distribution of narcotics, preventing an official from performing official functions, violent behavior and robbery.

As we learn, the young wounded A. Đ. he was in the driver’s seat of the car, while the killed FL was sitting behind him. The attackers fired with a firearm, the unfortunate young man was shot in the head and the other in the leg, it was confirmed to “Blic” in the Interior Ministry.

Photo: RAS Serbia

After the shooting, the killers fled in a “Skoda Octavia” car. The police immediately launched Operation “Whirlwind” and ordered each car to be stopped and inspected.

Ambulance teams are also on site.
