ATTACK ON SERBIA TO COVER CRIMINALS: What is behind the joint action of Pristina and Tirana against our state and officials?


This obviously deliberate and synchronized action against our State has rekindled the flames of the dangerous aspirations of Greater Albania, to which the international community persistently does not react. That is, after accusing Belgrade of wanting to provoke a new war and asking NATO to intervene, the leader of “Self-determination”, Albin Kurti, publicly advocated a pact against Serbia, that is, he called on everyone to unite in the fight against our country. He was joined by the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, who supported the KLA, and Hashim Thaci, accused of horrible crimes against humanity, kidnapping, torture, murder …

The latest scandalous request from Pristina is that the Special Court in The Hague, which is currently on trial against four members of the KLA: Thaci, Kadri Veselji, Redzep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi, hold Serbian officials, including the Speaker of Parliament, to account, Ivica Dacic.

More precisely, the false state’s labor minister, Skender Recica, said it was time for Dacic and “those who conceived and committed genocide in Kosovo” faced justice. At the same time, the secretary of the NISMA Social Democratic Initiative, Biljal Sherifi, asked the president of the Special Court, Ekaterina Trendafilova, to clarify whether charges are being prepared against Serbian representatives, and asked the court in The Hague to listen to Dacic, Radomir Markovic and others.

Dacic had a more than clear answer to that.

– I understand their nervousness, they did not expect their crimes to be prosecuted. Gone are the days of his first love with some western countries. It is time for justice for the Serbian victims, says Dacic for “Novosti”.


The KOSOVO Albanians are trying to divert attention from the process in The Hague, so the representative of the “Self-determination” movement in Albania, Elvis Hoxha, launched an initiative for the Tirana parliament to adopt a statement condemning the “Serbian genocide in Kosovo”. Our interlocutors say that this measure is also an attempt at preventive action, to transfer the ball to our yard once again, because it is inevitable that the question of the place and the role of Albania in the events of Kosovo and Metohija during 1999 will open during the trial in The Hague.

He recalled that the president of NISMA, Fatmir Ljimaj, according to the claims of the Albanians of the KLA, the Mazrek brothers, personally participated in the murder and torture of the Serbs in Klecka. He adds that it is a shame that his party is diverting attention from the trial for the KLA crimes against Serbs, just as the whole world now sees what crimes they committed against members of our people.

Political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic tells “Novosti” that the Albanian terrorists and separatists faced legal responsibility for the first time, hence the nervous reactions from both Pristina and Tirana:

– They are not used to being called to pay the bills for everything they did. For them, Belgrade has always been the one exposed to pressures of various kinds. They are desperate movements of someone who until now has behaved like a spoiled child, to whom everything is tolerated.

According to Andjelkovic, the combination of Pristina and Tirana in these latest attempts to blacken Serbia comes as no surprise. Remember that whenever Rama has a bad political situation at home and a weak rating, he “hits” Belgrade.

Dejan S. Miletic, from the Center for the Study of Globalization, told Novosti that Albanian leaders were clearly trying to put Serbia in a defensive position rather than an offensive position, and to constantly defend against something.

– It turns out that we have to answer because they are criminals, which is a total absurdity and an untenable situation.

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