Atlagić accused Turajlić of being a “moral monster” – Politics


Atlagić accused Turajlić of being a Photo: FoNet / Marija Djokovic

“Only a moral fanatic, like Srbijanka Turajlić, can request the removal of the monument to Stefan Nemanja, the Serbian saint and founder of the Serbian state.” And you should know that only the morale and patriotism of scientists make it great, “Atlagic said before the end of the debate on independent regulatory bodies in the Serbian Parliament.

He claimed that the Nemanja monument bothers Professor Turajlić for various reasons, and above all because it is good for Serbia.

It bothers him because Nemanja was a Serbian saint and the founder of the Serbian state, because the monument is the work of a Russian sculptor, but, as he said, what bothers him the most is that the monument was erected at the initiative of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić .

“It bothers him that it is noted that the monument was erected in the summer of 2020 during the time of the Serbian ruler Aleksandar Vučić, the Serbian reformer, builder and president of all citizens,” Atlagić said, followed by a storm of applause.

The SNS deputy said that these days they are attacking him from all sides, but that he does not care, because he likes to tell the truth.

The deputies discussed the reports of the regulatory bodies during the past year

During the discussion on the reports on the work of the Anti-Corruption Agency, the Fiscal Council and the Securities Commission during the past year, the deputies of the Serbian Assembly announced their full support, despite numerous objections.

Most of the objections in today’s Assembly have been heard about the work of the Fiscal Council, with the assessment that the statements that come from that body tend to be of a purely political nature.

The SPS deputy, Djordje Milicevic, even told the representatives of the Fiscal Council that it is easy to do politics from comfortable chairs, to deal with analysis, reports, but that the reality is something else.

Milicevic recalled that the Fiscal Council in 2014 requested a reduction in pensions, and then asked to return to the previous level.

He was also bothered by that body and the assessment that the health crisis had exposed problems that had been hidden for years.

“It is easy to conduct politics from comfortable armchairs, to face analysis, reports, but the reality is something else. I cannot agree that the government’s policy is naked. I think he has expressed his views with that attitude, ”Milicevic told the Fiscal Council, adding that the government worked in a transparent and socially responsible manner.

Responding to these statements, the president of the Fiscal Council, Pavle Petrović, admitted that he advocated for the reduction of pensions in 2014, which was accepted by the Government, but also for the return of 2018, which is not contradictory, because in the meantime he has there has been fiscal consolidation.

He reiterated that the Fiscal Council opposed the decision to allocate one hundred euros to all adult citizens in June, because 600 million euros were spent and there was no reduction in poverty.

Petrovic stated that the World Bank predicts a growth for Serbia of 20% in 2021, the Fiscal Council says four, the IMF says five and the Government says six percent, but that nothing can be predicted with accuracy “because it will not be an ordinary year. “.

He reiterated that the 2020 budget was not transparent, that it was not known what 800 million people were spent on and that these funds were mostly used to help public companies.

The deputy of United Serbia, Dragan Markovic Palma, also had objections to the Fiscal Council.

He was also interested in why the reports of the FS S and the International Monetary Fund differ, and that the Council never praised the Government of Serbia.

“The views of the IMF and the Fiscal Council do not have to agree on everything,” Popovic said, denying he was against borrowing from Serbia in March this year due to the crisis caused by the pandemic.

It also assessed that 2015, 2016 and 2017 were years of exceptional fiscal stabilization and that this should not be lightly omitted.

“In regards to the FSS’s anti-crisis policy due to the pandemic, we announced in early March 2020 that the government should be free to borrow and run a large deficit to counter this crisis, and we support that government package. In terms of indebtedness, Serbia is at 60 percent, but that is a high level for Serbia, “said Petrovic, adding that it is justified, but that is why we must continue with a policy of starting to reduce that debt.

Markovic asked Pavle Petrovic if he is now better in economic terms than seven years ago, without ignoring the floods that occurred in 2014, Petrovic replied that the worst situation was in 2014 when the debt was at the level of 71 percent of GDP.

Deputies and representatives of the Fiscal Council announced that the controversy will continue next Monday when the debate on next year’s budget begins, and the president of the Securities Commission, Marko Janković, presenting a report on the work of this Commission during the past year, announced that soon to find digital property right.

He stated that it is an innovative law that will raise Serbia to the level of the most ambitious European countries in this area.

“The Agency for the Prevention of Corruption verified the property reports of 233 directors and acting directors and public officials, and 25 criminal charges were filed on the suspicion that false data was submitted to the Agency.” We act on petitions that indicate corrupt actions by public authorities. In the period covered by the report, 75 petitions corresponded to the field of education, 61 to local self-government, 53 to the judiciary, 45 to public finances, 45 to health, 33 to the field of labor and social policy, 21 to construction, 14 to the economy, “said Dejan Damjanovic, Deputy Director of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, presenting last year’s report to the deputies of the Serbian Assembly.

He also mentioned the control over the financing of political activities in the elections in various municipalities and added that 96 requests were submitted for fouls against parties and officials, but at the same time thanked the authorities in parliament and the government. , because, as he said, it is “a fundamental condition for the exercise of competencies efficiently”.

The discussion on the reports of the independent bodies could not go without mentioning Dragan Djilas.

Thus, Aleksandra Tomić, president of the Finance Committee, stated that it is necessary to open the issue of the origin of property.

He noted that investigative journalists pointed out that certain former officials, such as Dragan Djilas, have 35 departments, which exceeds their earning potential, as well as the case of Vuk Jeremic, who received money from abroad through non-governmental organizations in a political campaign. .

He noted that Dragan Djilas had 1,625 square meters in Belgrade and Serbia until 2012, and that it is now known that he actually has 35 apartments and 1,725 ​​square meters of space in his brother’s name.

“That means obviously the property’s origin system was not efficient enough,” Tomic concluded.

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