At the Nova Nikeja monastery in Lelić, with the funeral of Bishop Artemije – Society


The former bishop of Raska and Prizren, Artemije (Radosavljevic), was buried yesterday in his native Lelic in the Nova Nikeja monastery, seat of the diocese of Raska and Prizren in exile.

At the Nova Nikeja monastery in Lelić with the burial of Bishop Artemije 1Photo: FoNet_Dragan_Antonić

More than a thousand believers from all over Serbia and the diaspora said goodbye to him, as well as the nuns of the Celija monastery, where Bishop Artemije was a priest for 16 years, succeeding Archimandrite Justin (Popovic).

The funeral liturgy and the funeral service were attended by the bishops of the choir and the monks of the ERP in exile.

– Serve God, not time – was the motto of Bishop Artemije, whose life was full of suffering. He remained faithful to the Church of the Holy Fathers, constantly and calmly following the path of his spiritual father Justin and his compatriot and holy bishop Nikolaj. He preserved his legacy and the bestowed episcopal oath, and forced us, his spiritual children, with our spiritual heritage to continue on his path of Saint Sava of the Orthodox faith. His honorable grave will be a votive place for the fulfillment of his legacy that “without faith there is no Church, there are no Serbs and Serbia without Kosovo and Metohija,” the choreographer of Novo Brdo and Pannonia Maxim said in a sermon at the funeral.

Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija brought land from Gracanica and Kosovska Mitrovica to Lelic yesterday, “to ease the tears of Bishop Artemije, who shed for Kosovo and Metohija when he was expelled from there.

Jovana Baljođević from Orahovac, among other things, said that “Bishop Artemije’s departure silenced the maternal voice of the Serbian Orthodox Church” and read a telegram from Mary Martha Walsh of Ireland, former official of the UN administration in Kosovo and Metohija, in which she suffered greatly for the truth and Christian values. “

– We are descendants of the same spiritual father Justin, who lived as he spoke. That is why we are above all, we serve God, Saint Sava and Father Justin, and wherever we have been, we are Orthodox, Saint Sava and Justin. The cells never wrote to Bishop Artemije, I visited him both in Šipativac and here in Lelić. Through the late Bishop Milutin, he submitted a request to the Synod with 15,000 signatures to renew the process and restore dignity to the bishop – said Mother Glikerija, saying goodbye to Bishop Artemije.

He passed away after a brief illness at the age of 85 last Saturday on the feast of the Council of the Holy Archangel Michael on the day of the 60th anniversary of his monasticism in the monastery of Celija.

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