At the moment it is calm, but surely we will not avoid the THIRD PEAK of the epidemic


The director of the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Clinic of the Nis Clinical Center, Professor Radmilo Janković, told RTS that the corona virus epidemic in Serbia is currently calming down, but that it is certain that we will not avoid the third peak that awaits us. End of the year.

Dr. Radmilo Janković says that the situation in southern Serbia is calmer than a month ago.

– We currently have 39 patients in the Nis Clinical Center, eight of whom are in the intensive care unit. Five remain on mechanical ventilation. These are mostly patients who were admitted a few weeks ago. We have patients who have been on mechanical ventilation for more than a month, explains Dr. Janković.

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

It points out that there is a current pause and a tendency to stagnation.

– It could be too pessimistic to say that little by little we are already noticing some trends that could indicate a new heat. In any case, we are trying to rest the already overloaded system, and especially the medical staff, says Janković.

He claims that the situation in other kovid hospitals in southern Serbia, in Vranje, Leskovac and Krusevac, is stable.

“The first selection was heavier, we were a bit surprised”

Dr. Radmilo Janković recalls that the Niš Clinical Center was under severe pressure during the first peak, in the last weeks of March and the first ten days of April.

– In total, until today, six months after we received the first patient, we had almost 4,600 of them. I believe that the Clinical Center in Nis is individually the hospital that was busiest, especially the intensive care unit. All difficult patients from all over Southeast Serbia were with us, recalls Dr. Janković.

Prof. Dr. Radmilo JankovicPhoto: BRANKO JANAČKOVIĆ / RAS Serbia

Prof. Dr. Radmilo Jankovic

He states that they had more than 1,000 patients in the intensive care unit.

– It was a really big battle. It seems to me that the first election was more difficult for all of us because we may have been a bit puzzled. Better organization in the second peak allowed us to treat primarily the most difficult and demanding patients. The middle-weight patients were kept at the local hospital, which gave us the opportunity to save many human lives, says Dr. Janković.

He says that there were many collective emotions during the epidemic.

– We lost many human lives. Unfortunately, some family members and team members. Up to twenty anesthesiologists were infected at the Nis Clinical Center and some members of their families did not survive, says Dr. Janković.

Remember that there were many dramatic situations, but also victories that instilled hope.

Photo: Jaroslav Pap / Tanjug

– The youngest patient who was on mechanical ventilation is already in Leskovac in his family. We also won the battle for the baby whose mother lost her life on the operating table, Dr. Janković reminds us.

“It is realistic that the number of infected increases.”

Dr. Radmilo Janković emphasizes that it was very difficult, and that it is now more than obvious that we are preparing for the third peak, which we will not miss.

– The only question is whether it will be November or December, but we are preparing for that – explains Janković.

He says that the most dangerous thing is the overexertion of the health system and the possibility that it will break down.

– I think that our entire health system, especially in the second peak, has shown some stability, strength and mutual solidarity – says Dr. Janković.

He thinks it is problematic that many people, especially high school youth, show up at respiratory clinics with symptoms of respiratory illnesses.

– The question is what will be the crown of it, and what will be the common cold or flu, but it is realistic that the number will increase. It is unrealistic to have such a low number of confirmed cases and that the situation is much more difficult in all parts of the environment, explains Janković.

It emphasizes that it is important that the second peak is not abrupt and that its onset is delayed as long as possible.

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