At the head of the Nis Assembly, officials were arrested for corruption


The new convocation of the Nis Assembly is led by two officials, known to the public for arrests for alleged corruption in the years they were in office in the public sector. The president of the City Assembly, Boban Džunić, has an unconfirmed indictment and the trial of his deputy, Igor Novaković, is still ongoing. Both recall that all are innocent until a final verdict is rendered, and their opponents believe that by accepting the duties, they are putting pressure on the judiciary.

After being elected president of the Nis Assembly, the former president of the Palilula municipality in Nis and former director of Elektrodistribucija, Boban Džunić, said “thank you” to citizens and foreigners:

And, above all, to the president of the party, who gave me confidence and consent for this role ”.

… who assumed without a doubt, although the accusation against him exists, but has not been confirmed, according to Južni vesti.

“I don’t know anything about the prosecution, I heard from you that it exists. As far as I know, it does not exist,” Džunić said.

That is the response of the new head of parliament, who was under suspicion three years ago for an alleged embezzlement related to money from European funds, while he was the head of the municipality.

Džunić called for the presumption of innocence to be respected, and his SPS deputy Igor Novaković, who, like Džunić, was president of the municipality of Palilula, but also director of the PE Southeast, requested the same.

He was the “target” of the law for alleged corruption while he was director. The procedure does not want to comment.

“I think it is debatable in the sense that then the media and part of the public would interpret it as a pressure on the judiciary, because I am a public official,” Novakovic said.

And, like that pressure, the appointment of Džunić and Novaković is seen by the former government official, Branislav Jovanović, who is now a member of the Niš group, my city.

He was himself under investigation, which he says has been suspended. Later as a URS official and manager in the Nis Construction Directorate. Now he says: He would reject the role until the proceedings against him are finished.

“I would not refuse a job, for sure … when I know that it is not about any responsibility and that I worked in the interest of the city”, believes Jovanović.

The Superior Prosecutor’s Office, as reported by Južni vesti journalist Milan Zirojević, confirmed that the “Novaković trial” has not yet concluded and that the main trial is ongoing. He believes that the presumption of innocence is not in doubt, but it is “political ethics” and inauguration, although legal proceedings are ongoing.

“Either they should not accept those functions, or they should go out and say that someone ‘prepared’ the indictment … Or that the trial will take too long, it will be prolonged, our judiciary is not functional,” says Zirojevic.

Let us remind you that in mid-December 2017, a member of the City Council, Branislav Kačar, was handcuffed on suspicion of “commercial influence”. Now he is the only councilor left from the last call. A year and a half later he was acquitted.
