26.09.2020. 07:00 – 26.09.2020. 07:30
The first retirees could go to one of the Serbian spas to recover for free at the end of October.

Retirees, Photo: Hello / Rajko Ristic
The prerequisite for this is that they have passed the contest announced by the Disability and Pension Insurance Fund, that is, that they met all the conditions, and above all that their average pension is 27,775 dinars.
The Pension and Disability Insurance Fund says that on September 29 the preliminary classification lists of pensioners who have fulfilled the conditions to use the right to free rehabilitation according to this year’s announcement will be published. Complaints can be filed until October 6, after which the complaints will be resolved. Final rankings will be released on October 14.
– After publishing the final ranking lists, the medical commission determines which spa each user will be sent to, and once the medical commission completes its work, the contract with the spas and rehabilitation centers is signed and the user is referred for free rehabilitation – they say in the Fund.
14,229 retirees will go to one of the Serbian spas for their free rehabilitation
He was asked if the whole departure business might drag on by chance. kovida and announcements of the October flu, the PIO explains that the rehabilitation centers are obliged to comply with all the recommendations when receiving users crisis headquarters.